Teaching & Pedagogy
Teaching and pedagogy remain hallmarks of Baylor's undergraduate experience. Baylor graduate students serve in the classroom, lab, and the field as educators. As such, the Baylor Graduate School helps equip its students to be better teachers.
Academy for Teaching & Learning
Baylor University’s Academy for Teaching & Learning (ATL) has a two-fold mission: to support and inspire a flourishing community of learning and to promote the integration of teaching, scholarship, collegiality, and service in a Christian environment.
Teacher of Record Training
Graduate students throughout programs at Baylor University, both at the master's and doctoral level, have the opportunity to teach undergraduate classes. Evidence shows that this is beneficial to graduate students, preparing them for future jobs in the academy--possibly even speeding their time to degree while reducing their waiting time on the job market. The Baylor University Graduate School works hard to support graduate student TORs.
TeaCHE Capstone in Higher Education
The Academy for Teaching & Learning, in collaboration with the Baylor University Graduate School, offers the Teaching Capstone in Higher Education (TeaCHE) for students wishing to teach in higher education upon graduating with a masters or doctoral degree. With an increasingly tight and competitive job market, this capstone is intended to enhance your readiness to teach in a higher education environment and, thereby, increase your marketability on the job market.
Seminars for Excellence in Teaching
Since 2008, the Academy for Teaching and Learning has hosted a series of one-hour Seminars for Excellence in Teaching (SET) to help colleagues meet the historic expectations of excellence in teaching at Baylor. For new Teachers of Record (TOR), SET satisfy SACS requirements for professional development in teaching. For more experienced TOR, SET facilitate the sharing of ideas and insights about teaching and learning today and encourage participants to renew their commitments to inspirational teaching. SET are also a valuable resource in the preparation of graduate student Teachers of Record.
Teaching in English
The Graduate School works with the Global Gateway Program (GGP) to evaluate and offer instruction to International Teaching Assistants (ITA) and Teachers of Record at Baylor University. International students must have a score of 25 on the speaking section of the TOEFL (internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language) or 7.5 on IELTS (International English Language Testing System) in order to serve as an ITA.
Panel Discussion on Classroom Culture and Norms for International Graduate Student Teachers
This panel discussion presents perspectives from international graduate students and faculty on successfully navigating academic culture in the US. Topics include interacting and communicating with students, understanding student expectations of instructors, and facilitating a positive learning environment. Organized by the Academy for Teaching and Learning and recorded November 2024.
GPS "Practical Pedagogy" Workshop Videos
The Academy for Teaching and Learning coordinated with the Graduate School's "Graduate Pathways to Success" (GPS) to host a series of four "Practical Pedagogy" workshops for graduate student Teachers-of-Record during Spring 2024. Watch recordings, located among our "Academic Success" GPS Workshop category.
Other Resources
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
This competitive award recognizes excellence in teaching for our graduate student TORs (teachers-of-record). Six are awarded each year, in the areas of STEM, Social Sciences, and Humanities for the preceding Fall and Spring Semesters.
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship Program
The Graduate School launched the Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in 2020-2021 with the support of the Provost’s Office and in collaboration with the College of Arts & Sciences and the Honors College. These 10-month positions include a salary of $40,000, continued access to Graduate School travel funds, additional mentoring and professional development training, and the same health benefits as Baylor faculty for the 10-month duration of the postdoctoral position.