2021-2022 Travel Awards
The Graduate School is proud of our students' accomplishments. Here you'll find a list of student presentations sponsored by the Graduate School.
Last Updated on March 18, 2022.
American Studies | Biology | Biomedical Studies | Business | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Church Music | Communication | Computer Science | Curriculum and Instruction | Ecological, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Economics | Education |Educational Psychology | Electrical and Computer Engineering | English | Entrepreneurship | Environmental Science | Film and Digital Media | Geosciences | HHPR | History | Information Systems | Journalism | Mathematics | Mechanical Engineering | Modern Languages & Cultures | Museum Studies | Music Studies | Nursing | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science | Preaching | Psychology and Neuroscience | Public Health | Religion | Social Work | Sociology | Statistical Science | Theater Arts
American Studies
Ankan Choudhury
Sponsor: Dr. Christopher Kearney
"In Situ Treatment of H. Pylori Infection in Mice with Bioengineered Probiotics Releasing Guided Antimicrobial Peptides"
World Microbe Forum 2021. Virtual. June 20-24, 2021.
Robert Huff
Sponsor: Dr. Jason Pitts
"Floral Odor Sensing in Aedes aegypti"
Entomological Society of America. Denver, CO. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Bryan King
Sponsor: Dr. Cheolho Sim
"Suppressed Expression of Oxidoreductin-like Protein, Oxidor, Increases Follicle Degeneration and Decreases Survival During the Overwintering Diapause of the Mosquito Culex pipiens"
Entomological Society of America. Denver, CO. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Heidi Lindsley
Sponsor: Dr. Jason Pitts
"Deorphanization of Cydia Pomonella Or22 Using a Two-Electrode Voltage Clamp"
Entomological Society of America. Denver, CO. October 31-November 3, 2021.
James Mann
Sponsor: Dr. Jason Pitts
"Rapid RNA Detection in Vector Arthropods"
Military Healthcare Research Symposium. Orlando, FL. August 23-36, 2021.
Tatyana Martynova
Sponsor: Dr. Cheolho Sim
"Transcriptome Profiling Reveals Sex-specific Gene Expressions in Pupal and Adult Stages of the Mosquito Culex pipiens"
Entomological Society of America. Denver, CO. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Patrick Ortiz
Sponsor: Dr. Christopher Kearney
"In Situ Treatment of H. Pylori Infection in Mice with Bioengineered Probiotics Releasing Guided Antimicrobial Peptides"
World Microbe Forum 2021. Virtual. June 20-24, 2021.
Haleigh Svatek
Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Taube
"Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition Sensitizes Breast Cancer Cells to Cell Death via the Fungus-Derived Sesterterpenoid Ophiobolin A"
Cancer Stem Cells: Advances in Biology and Clinical Transition. Virtual. May 19-21, 2021.
Elizabeth Waymire
Sponsor: Dr. Tamar Carter
"Natural Wolbachia Detected in Wild Anopheles stephensi in Eastern Ethiopia"
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. National Harbor, MD. November 17-21, 2021.
Xueyan Wei
Sponsor: Dr. Cheolho Sim
"The Level of Histone H3K27 Dimethylation is Reduced in the Fat Body of Diapausing Mosquito Culex pipiens"
Entomological Society of America. Denver, CO. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Biomedical Studies
Matthew Gibb
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Assessing the Potential for Pulmonary Sensitization after Respirable Environmental Stimuli Exposure"
American Chemical Society. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Karel Kalecky
Sponsor: Dr. Teodoro Bottiglieri
"One-Carbon Metabolism in Brain Cortex in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease in Relation to Cognitive Impairment"
13th International Conference on One-Carbon Metabolism, B Vitamins and Homocysteine. Poznan, Poland. September 12-16, 2021.
Johann Karunananthan
Sponsor: Dr. Bob Kane
"Carbamate Bioconjugates as Cleavable Linkers"
ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 30-November 3, 2021.
Ching-Yee Leung
Sponsor: Dr. Myeongwoo Lee
"Stimulation of Egg Laying in C. elegans by Salmonella Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) is Dependent on a Gα Protein Expressed in Chemosensory Neurons"
23nd International C. elegans Conference. Virtual. June 21-24, 2021.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Megan Behrmann
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Trakselis
"Directed E. Coli DnaB Exterior Surface Mutations Effect Helicase Conformation and Regulate Behavior to Preserve Genome Stability in Vivo"
Helicases and Nucleic Acid-Based Machines: Structure, Mechanism and Regulation and Roles in Human Disease. Virtual. July 6-9, 2021.
Camilla Checinski
Sponsor: Dr. Jenee Cyran
"Understanding Interactions of Organic Pollutants at aqueous Interfaces Using Sum-Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy"
ACS 2021 Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Daniel Davore
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Shuford
"Probing the Electron Withdrawing Effects in the σ-holes of Halogen Bond Donors"
ACS Fall 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Warahena Mudalige Uvin de Alwis
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Shuford
"Probing the Electrostatic Landscape of Phosphorene and Phosphorene/Graphene Composites via Edge Atom Passivation for Advancements in HER and OER"
ACS Fall 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Alexis Edwards
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Investigating the Contribution of Isoelectric Point on Protein Gas-Phase Unfolding When Sprayed from Positive- or Negative-ion Mode"
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Philadelphia, PA. October 31-November 4, 2021.
Kirk French
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Shuford
"Chalcogen Bonding in Graphitic Carbon Nitride Building Blocks"
ACS Fall 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Darren Gass
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Intermolecular Hydrogen Transfer during Ion/Ion Reactions between Metal-Adducted Carbohydrates and Fluoranthene"
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Philadelphia, PA. October 31-November 4, 2021.
Mackenzie Graham
Sponsor: Dr. Sasch Usenko
"Optimization of an Algorithm Using Aerosol Optical Properties to Investigate the Influence of Biomass Burning on an Urban Atmosphere"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 14-17, 2021.
Mackenzie Graham
Sponsor: Dr. Sasch Usenko
"Identification and Characterization of Biomass Burning in Urban Atmospheres Utilizing Aerosol Optical Properties and Offline Filter Analysis"
American Chemical Society. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
Jacob Hatvany
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Observing the Effect of pH on H/D Exchange During in-ESI HDX of Carbohydrate-metal Adducts"
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Philadelphia, PA. October 31-November 4, 2021.
Tae Hwang
Sponsor: Dr. John Wood
"Accessing N-oxy-2,5-diketopiperazine Natural Products"
ACS SWRM. Austin, TX. November 2, 2021.
Amy Jackson
Sponsor: Dr. John Wood
"Accessing N-oxy-2,5-diketopiperazine Natural Products"
ACS SWRM. Austin, TX. November 2, 2021.
Joseph Kaszubowski
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Trakselis
"Beyond The Lesion: The Switch Back to High Fidelity Synthesis"
ACS Fall 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Sigrid Kiledal
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Romo
"Pharmacophore-Directed Retrosynthesis Applied to the Ion Channel Inhibitor, Waixenicin A"
Florida Heterocycles Conference 2022. Gainesville, FL. March 6-10, 2022.
Jessica Kostyo
Sponsor: Dr. Bob Kane
"Design, Synthesis, and Half-life Determination of Improved ?-eliminative Linkers for the Conjugation of TAK-242 to Transplanted Tissue"
Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. August 31-September 3, 2021.
Tucker Lewis
Sponsor: Dr. Darrin Bellert
"Kinetically Characterized Competition Between Nonadiabatic and Adiabatic Reaction Pathways in the Two-state Reactive Co+ Mediated Decomposition of Acetaldehyde"
2021 ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Alexandra Lubaev
Sponsor: Dr. Liela Romera
"Heterodihalogenation of Alkenes and Dienes"
ACS Spring 2022. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
Wen Ren
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Pinney
"Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Structurally Diverse Indole-based Analogues as Inhibitors of Tubulin Polymerization"
ACS Spring 2022. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
Lasien Rymbai
Sponsor: Dr. Patrick Farmer
"Metallo-Flavonolates and Heterosubstituted-flavonols: Probing the Mechanism of Quercetin Dioxygenases (QDOs) by Comparing 1,2 and 1,3 Additions in Dioxygenation and Nitroxygenation"
2021 ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Ottis Scrivner
Sponsor: Dr. Patrick Farmer
"Expanding the Sulfur Metabolome: Characterization of Intra- and Extra-cellular H2S and Small Oxoacids of Sulfur (SOS) in Cell Culture Models"
2021 ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Tiara Sivells
Sponsor: Dr. Jenee Cyran
"Unraveling the Surface Interactions of THF and Water Solutions"
2021 ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Drew Stolpman
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Combining Cryofocuser Preconcentration and Post column Pyrolysis for Enhanced GC/MS Sample Characterization"
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Philadelphia, PA. October 31-November 4, 2021.
Patrick Sutter
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Romo
"Synthesis of Beta-Lactones Utilizing CO2 in a Continuous Flow Reactor"
ACS Spring 2022. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
John Tidwell
Sponsor: Dr. Caleb Martin
"Synthesis of Boron and Antimony Diiminopyridine Complexes"
2021 ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Austin, TX. October 31-November 3, 2021.
Jennifer Vannatta
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Pinney
"Synthesis of Benzosuberene-based Compounds Designed to Function as Inhibitors of Tubulin Polymerization and Develpment of Drug Linker Constructs for Selective Targeting"
ACS Spring 2022. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
Raul Villacob
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Integrating Static nESI-IM-MS/MS and Bottom-Up Proteomics for Improving Protein Identification in Native Surface Mass Spectrometry"
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Philadelphia, PA. October 31-November 4, 2021.
Malisha Welikala
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Trakselis
"Tau Mediated Coupling Interactions between Pol III Core DNA Synthesis and DnaB Helicase Unwinding"
Experimental Biology 2022. Philadelphia, PA. April 2-5, 2022.
Kyle Wilhelm
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Investigation of Protein Expressions in Breast Cancer Cells Treated with Novel Gold (I) Compounds"
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Philadelphia, PA. October 31-November 4, 2021.
Yu Ching Wong
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Pinney
"Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of OXi8006 Analogues Bearing Aryl Ring Bridge Modifications as Inhibitors of Tubulin Polymerization"
ACS Spring 2022. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
James Woods
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Romo
"Aerobic Reactivity of the Sponge Macrolide Salarin C: Synthesis of a Stable Macrocyclic Analogue"
ACS Spring 2022. San Diego, CA. March 20-24, 2022.
Church Music
Maroun Azar
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"The Diversity of Musical Colors in the Maronite Catholic Church"
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music. Macon, GA. March 3-5, 2022.
Shannan Baker
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"What Makes a Contemporary Worship Song Popular?: A Musical and Statistical Analysis of the CCLI Top 25 lists from 2010-2020"
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music. Macon, GA. March 3-5, 2022.
Shannan Baker
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"Cracking the Cohort Code: Appreciating the People Around You"
American Academy of Religion. San Antonio, TX. November 20-23, 2021.
Michael Huerter
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"Where Everybody Is Somebody, James Cleveland, The Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc., and the Ethos and Ecosystem of 20th-Century Black Gospel Choral Music."
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music. Macon, GA. March 3-5, 2022.
Adekunle Oyeniyi
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"Church Alive: Creating a Community of Young Adults Through Congregational Music"
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music. Macon, GA. March 3-5, 2022.
Jon Snyder
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"If You Can Sing It, You Can Play It"
Handbell Musicians of America National Seminary. Glendale, AZ. July 13-17, 2022.
Samuel Tandei
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"Cracking the Cohort Code: Appreciating the People Around You
American Academy of Religion. San Antonio, TX. November 20-23, 2021.
Samuel Tandei
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"Cracking the Cohort Code: Appreciating the People Around You
Western Sacred Choral Music as a Mode of Interreligious Engagement in a Muslim-majority Context: A Case Study of Indonesian University Choirs. Bandung, Indonesia. March 11-19, 2022.
Rylee Arkins
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Muller
"Language Abilities of Children who Qualify for Both Speech and Language Therapy and Play Therapy"
ASHA Convention 2021. Washinton D.C.. November 18-20, 2021.
Computer Science
Arun Sanjel
Sponsor: Dr. Greg Speegle
"Tyro: A First Step Towards Automatically Generating Parallel Programs From Sequential Programs"
International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA). Las Vegas, NV. July 26-29, 2021.
Curriculum and Instruction
Ecological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Anthony Abell
Sponsor: Dr. Nick Werse
"No Christian Left Behind: Faith-Learning Integration for Academically at Risk College Students"
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. November 20-23, 2021.
Brian Dossey
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Pratt
"A Quantitative Investigation of Urban High School Students; Attitudes Towards Mathematics"
Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. February 12-16, 2022.
Brian Dossey
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Pratt
"A Quantitative Investigation of Urban High School Students; Attitudes Towards Mathematics"
Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. February 12-16, 2022.
Jennifer Harman
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Death by Suicide Today: What We Need To Do"
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Harry Herbert
Sponsor: Dr. Laila Sanguras
"Understanding How High-Performing High School Students Experience Academic Dishonesty: A Phenomenological Study"
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 21-26, 2022.
Rebecca Lavigne Graugnard
Sponsor: Dr. Laila Sanguras
"Understanding How High-Performing High School Students Experience Academic Dishonesty: A Phenomenological Study"
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 21-26, 2022.
Jhacole LeGrand-Dunn
Sponsor: Dr. Laila Sanguras
"How Graduate Students of Color Experience Racial Microaggressions at a PWI: An Explanatory Sequential Study"
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 21-26, 2022.
Kevin O'Donoghue
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
"The Effect of Academic Peer Interactions and Teaching Behaviors on Academic Emotions"
Lilly Conference on College Teaching. Oxford, OH. November 18-20, 2021.
Kimberly O-Donnell
Sponsor: Dr. Corina Kaul
"Secondary Math Teachers: Will and Skill for Student Engagement"
The 49th Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Grapevine, TX. March 3-5, 2022.
Derek Page
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Temporary sport venues: Changing the game with PGA stadium holes"
Applied Sport Management Association. Indianapolis, IN. February 12-16, 2022.
Heather Schock
Sponsor: Dr. Madelon McCall
"Introducing Practical Self-Care Strategies to Elementary Preservice Teachers Multiple Papers Format"
Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. February 12-16, 2022.
Sean Strehlow
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"The Effects of Christian Higher Education on Students; Faith and Character"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and Religious Research Association. Portland, OR. October 22-24, 2021.
Garret Sulak
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"If you Build It; Making and Marketing MLB's Real Field of Dreams"
Applied Sport Management Association. Indianapolis, IN. February 12-16, 2022.
Anthony Tademy
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Effect of 2012-2019 Stadium Expenditures on Power 5 Football Recruiting Rankings"
College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC. March 23-25, 2022.
Elena Tranka
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Combating Substance Use in Middle School Students with ADHD"
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Educational Psychology
Trevor Austin
Sponsor: Dr. Nicholas Benson
"Equitable Practices and Disproportionality in Special Education: A literature review"
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Jaime Basher
Sponsor: Dr. Tracey Sulak
"Undergraduate Mentoring by Faculty - Systematic Review"
Southwest Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. February 23-25, 2022.
Caroline Blach
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Addressing the Shortage of School Psychologists Using Satellite Programs"
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Ryan Coleman
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Multitasking Organic Motion Stimulus as an Intervention for Autism"
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Emily Exline
Sponsor: Dr. Tonya Davis
"A Treatment Manual for Schedule Thinning Following Functional Communication Training"
16th Annual Autism Conference. Seattle, WA. March 5-8, 2022.
Kailah Hall
Sponsor: Dr. Tracey Sulak
"Professional Development for Teachers of Students with Autism Focused on Academic Outcomes"
Southwest Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. February 23-25, 2022.
Maryann Hebda
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"STEM Competitions as High Quality Authentic Curriculum"
NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children). Denver, CO. November 11-14, 2021.
Maryann Hebda
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"Challenging Gifted and Talented Students Beyond an Hour of Code"
TAGT (Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented). Dallas, TX. December 1-3, 2021.
Julia Hrabal
Sponsor: Dr. Tonya Davis
"Self-Efficacy Measures for Special Educators Teaching Students with Autism"
16th Annual Autism Conference. Seattle, WA. March 5-8, 2022.
Donna Hulsey
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"What About Prom?: The Case for Acceleration of Gifted Students"
NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children). Denver, CO. November 11-14, 2021.
Marie Kirkpatrick
Sponsor: Dr. Stephanie Gerow
"Telehealth Caregiver Training Program for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder"
Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention. Virtual. May 28-31, 2021.
Yasmin Laird
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"Curriculum & Instruction Supports for Gifted English Learners"
NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children). Denver, CO. November 11-14, 2021.
Hiroki Marsuo
Sponsor: Dr. Grant Morgan
"Class Enumeration Accuracy of Cross-Validated Fit Indices in Latent Profile Analysis"
Southwest Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. February 23-25, 2022.
Titus Moten
Sponsor: Dr. Janet Bagby
"Equitable Practices and Disproportionality in Special Education: A Literature Review"
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Fatih Ozkan
Sponsor: Dr. Jennifer Robins
"The Necessity of Differentiation in Science Education for Gifted and Talented Students"
NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children). Denver, CO. November 11-14, 2021.
Noah Padgett
Sponsor: Dr. Grant Morgan
"On Modeling Response Misclassification in Latent Variable Modelings"
Southwest Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA. February 23-25, 2022.
Brandon Parker
Sponsor: Dr. Kelsey Ragan
"Multicultural Competencies for Behavioral Consultations; Examining Differences in U.S. SLD Identification Practices; Impact of COVID-19 on WJ IV ACH Administration and Scoring Errors; Impact of COVID-19 on WJ IV COG Administration and Scoring Errors"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Leonora Ryland
Sponsor: Dr. Eric Robinson
"Integrating Graduate Student Voices: A Thurstonian IRT Approach"
Trainers of School Psychologists. Boston, MA. February 14, 2022.
Leonora Ryland
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Padilla
"Implementation is Hard: PBIS in Early Childhood Programs"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Celeste Sodergren
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"Curriculum & Instruction Supports for Gifted English Language Learners"
NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children). Denver, CO. November 11-14, 2021.
MacKenzie Wicker
Sponsor: Dr. Tonya Davis
"Utilizing Telehealth to Teach Parents how to Implement Trial-Based Functional Analysis and Treatment"
16th Annual Autism Conference. Seattle, WA. March 5-8, 2022.
Ashley Allison
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"A Mechanical Horse Treatment with Autism: Behavioral and Speech Outcomes"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Mia Banks
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"The Media and Eating Disorders: Influences and Interventions"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Kenzie Billeiter
Sponsor: Dr. Nicholas Benson
"Assessing Autistic Intelligence: A Systematic Review of Measurement Techniques"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Alex Jones
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"COVID-19 and ADHD: Supporting Students After the Pandemic"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Nicole Nguyen
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Adolescent Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19: Evidence-Based Interventions"
Texas Association School of Psychologists. Georgetown, TX. November 4-6, 2021.
Nicole Nguyen
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19: Evidence-Based Interventions"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Alexandra Plank
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"A Mechanical Horse Treatment with Autism: Behavioral and Speech Outcomes"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Eamon Stewart
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Adolescent Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19: Evidence-Based Interventions"
Texas Association School of Psychologists. Georgetown, TX. November 4-6, 2021.
Eamon Stewart
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Adolescent Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19: Evidence-Based Interventions"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Marci Walton
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome: What Teachers and School Psychologists Should Know"
Texas Association School of Psychologists. Georgetown, TX. November 4-6, 2021.
Marci Walton
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Promoting Equality in Early Childhood Education: Implications for Trainers of School Psychologists"
National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Convention. Boston, MA. February 15-18, 2022.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Daniel Agu
Sponsor: Dr. Yang Li
"Investigation of Creeping Wave Channel Variations during Hip Motion Activities"
2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Boulder, CO. January 4-8, 2022.
Jose Alcala-Medel
Sponsor: Dr. Yang Li
"Investigation of Intrabody Transmission Channel around the Human Body"
2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Boulder, CO. January 4-8, 2022.
Glauco Antonio Amigo Galain
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Marks
"Forecasting Pseudo Random Numbers Using Deep Learning"
15th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication System. Virtual. December 13-15, 2021.
Drew Bresnahan
Sponsor: Dr. Yang Li
"Measurement of Multiple Simultaneous Human Vital Signs using a Millimeter-Wave FMCW Radar"
IEEE Radar Conference. New York, NY. March 21-25, 2022.
Justin Bui
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Marks
"Symbiotic Hybrid Neural Network Watchdog For Outlier Detection"
Machine Learning and Data Mining 2021. Newark, NJ. July 19-20, 2021.
Ryan Collin
Sponsor: Dr. Annette von Jouanne
"Novel Characterization of Si- and SiC-based PWM Inverter Bearing Currents Using Probability Density Functions"
Energy Conversion Congress & Expo 2021. Vancouver, Canada. October 10-14, 2021.
Innocent Enyekwe
Sponsor: Dr. Kwang Lee
"Neural Network-Based Modeling for A Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Stack"
53rd North American Power Symposium. College Station, TX. November 14-16, 2021.
Adam Goad
Sponsor: Dr. Charles Baylis
"Directional Modulation and Array Impedance Tuning for Secure Radar and Communications"
2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Boulder, CO. January 4-8, 2022.
Samuel Haug
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Marks
"Changepoint Detection for Real-Time Spectrum Sharing Radar"
2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Boulder, CO. January 4-8, 2022.
Justin Roessler
Sponsor: Dr. Charles Baylis
"High-Power, Plasma-Switched, Lumped-Element Reconfigurable Impedance Tuner for Radar Transmitter Applications"
2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Boulder, CO. January 4-8, 2022.
Trevor Van Hoosier
Sponsor: Dr. Charles Baylis
"Creation of a Spatial-Spectral Mask in a Spectrally Brokered System"
2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Boulder, CO. January 4-8, 2022.
Anna Beaudry
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Ford
"'This is no path of my choosing': Dark Eco-Theology and Kenosis in Cormac McCarthy's Suttree"
Conference for Christianity and Literature. La Mirada, CA. April 6-8, 2022.
Theresa Boyd
Sponsor: Dr. Joshua King
"Forgiveness in To Kill a Mockingbird"
Cancel Culture: Christianity and Literature. Wingate, NC. October 21-23, 2021.
Robert Brown
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Ford
"Prairie Lost: Eden and Exile in Cather's My Antonia"
Conference for Christianity and Literature. La Mirada, CA. April 6-8, 2022.
Reilly Fitzpatrick
Sponsor: Dr. Joshua King
"Such a Thorough Picture of her Heart: Jane Austen's Redefinition of Feminine Accomplishment"
Southeast Conference on Christianity and Literature. Wingate, NC. October 21-23, 2021.
Molly Lewis
Sponsor: Dr. Joshua King
"The Literacy of Death and the Vision of Nature"
The Victorians Institute Refractions/Reflections: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing. Charlotte, NC. October 22-23, 2021.
Ben Rawlins
Sponsor: Dr. Beth Barr
"The Haptic and the Visionary: Hieroglyph Aesthetics in H. D."
Modernist Studies Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. November 3-7, 2021.
Stewart Riley
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"Sights and Systems: Realism and Beauty in Mary Augusta Ward"
The Victorians Institute Refractions/Reflections: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing. Charlotte, NC. October 22-23, 2021.
Allison Scheidegger
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"Mesmerism as a Religious Imaginary in Robert Elsmere"
The Victorians Institute Refractions/Reflections: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing. Charlotte, NC. October 22-23, 2021.
Benjamin Thome
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Johnston
"Arthur's Passionate Response to the Giant's Plea in Laamon's Brut"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference. Spartanburg, SC. November 11-13, 2021.
Zeyi Zhang
Sponsor: Dr. Phillip Donnelly
"Compulsion and the Education of the Soul in Plato's Cave Allegory"
The North American Association for Philosophy and Education Annual Conference. Mundelein, IL. October 29-31, 2021.
Yifan Zhang
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"An Admirable Doctoress in Faraway Lands: Mary Seacole's Self-representation Strategies"
North East Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. March 10-13, 2022.
Savannah Chorn
Sponsor: Dr. Joshua King
"Redeeming Courtly Love in Sonnets from the Portuguese"
Southeast Conference on Christianity and Literature. Wingate, NC. October 21-23, 2021.
Justice Flint
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"Emotion, Intellect, and the Transformative Images of Robert Elsmere"
The Victorians Institute Refractions/Reflections: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing. Charlotte, NC. October 22-23, 2021.
Sarah Kaderbek
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons: Parental Influence and Familial Cycles in Ward's Robert Elsmere"
The Victorians Institute Refractions/Reflections: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing. Charlotte, NC. October 22-23, 2021.
Becky Presnall
Sponsor: Dr. Joshua King
"Mary in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Courtly Mistress or Spiritual Defender?"
Southeast Conference on Christianity and Literature. Wingate, NC. October 21-23, 2021.
Ryan Sinni
Sponsor: Dr. Joshua King
"A desire fulfilled is a tree of life: Seeing Solomon in Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market and Other Poems"
The Victorians Institute Refractions/Reflections: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing. Charlotte, NC. October 22-23, 2021.
Environmental Science
Thelma Ameh
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Bacterial Inhibition Efficacy Analyses of Nanoparticle Production Schemes for Agricultural and Environmental Applications"
American Chemical Society Fall 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Thelma Ameh
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Toxicity of Copper Nanoparticle Against a Representative Agricultural Crop, Tomato"
Society for Toxicology. San Diego, CA. March 17-31, 2022.
Grace Aquino
Sponsor: Dr. Erica Bruce
"Evaluating the Endothelial-Microglial Interaction and Comprehensive Inflammatory Marker Profiles under Acute Exposure to Ultrafine Diesel Exhaust Particles In Vitro"
Society for Toxicology. San Diego, CA. March 17-31, 2022.
Yanira Baldovinos
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Environmental Health Effects after Vaping: Mechanistic Analyses Resulting from Terpene and Diluent Co-exposures"
American Chemical Society Fall 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Clancy Collom
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Exposure to Contaminated Drinking Water and the Toxicological Effects against a Neuronal Brain Cell Model"
Society for Toxicology. San Diego, CA. March 27-31, 2022.
Kayla Garrett
Sponsor: Dr. Ryan McManamay
"Global Hydropower Expansion Without Building New Dams"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Meghan Guagenti
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Optimization of a Method for the Quantification of Volatile Chemical Product Emissions in an Urban Atmosphere using Thermal Desorption-gas Chromatography-triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry"
American Meteorological Society. Houston, TX. January 23-27, 2022.
Meghan Guagenti
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Optimization of a Method for the Quantification of Volatile Chemical Product Emissions in an Urban Atmosphere using Thermal Desorption-gas Chromatography-triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Mark Leuders
Sponsor: Dr. Ryan McManamay
"A Prospective Metric for Depletion Description and Hydroecological Risk Assessment"
Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Charleston, SC. January 19-23, 2022.
James Liu
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Mitochondrial and Immunological-Based Biosignatures to Assess Stress in Airmen Training Activities and Combat Environments"
Military Health System Research Symposium. Kissimmee, FL. August 23-36, 2021.
James Liu
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"A Method of Aerosol Exposure to Relate the Inhibition of Lung Surfactant and Cellular Biology Endpoints"
Society for Toxicology. San Diego, CA. March 27-31, 2022.
Farzaneh Mansouri
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Baleen Whales as a Bioindicator of Long-term Ecological Changes in the North Atlantic Ocean"
The Society of Marine Mammalogy. Palm Beach, FL. August 1-5, 2022.
Claire Moffett
Sponsor: Dr. Rebecca Sheesley
"Biogenic Sources Dominate Carbonaceous Aerosol on the North Slope of Alaska"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Zach Moran
Sponsor: Dr. Cole Matson
"Nonlethal Sampling Methods for Alligator Gar"
Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Charleston, SC. January 19-23, 2022.
Mike Penrose
Sponsor: Dr. George Cobb
"Evaluating Transformation of Parabens at Two Wastewater Treatment Plants with Two Different Disinfection Processes"
American Chemical Society Conference 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Sahar Pradhan
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Exposure to Combustion-derived Air Pollution may induce Prolonged Neuroinflammation"
American Chemical Society Conference 2021. Atlanta, GA. August 22-26, 2021.
Sujan Shrestha
Sponsor: Dr. Rebecca Sheesley
"Study of Aerosols and Volatile Organic Compounds During a Long-range Transport Biomass Burning Event"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Megan Solan
Sponsor: Dr. Ramon Lavado
"Short-Chain Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Effects on Human Phase I Biotransformation Enzymes"
SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo. San Diego, CA. March 27-31, 2022.
Jillian Sturtevant
Sponsor: Dr. Ryan McManamay
"Urban Rural Building Network and Land Morphology Connection (URBN-LMC)"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Sarah VerPloeg
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Assessing the Impact of Urban Atmospheric Chemistry on the Environmental Fate of Pesticides used to control Mosquito Populations in Houston, TX"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Sarah VerPloeg
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Assessing the Impact of Urban Atmospheric Chemistry on the Environmental Fate of Pesticides used to control Mosquito Populations in Houston, TX"
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Houston, TX. January 24-28, 2022.
Film and Digital Media
Rachel Jobin
Sponsor: Dr. Zachary Sheldon
"Do We Want Animation to Remain Marginalized? A Discourse Tracing Analysis of Animation’s Perceived Marginalization as Maintained by 'Animatophile' Internet Blogs and Magazines"
43nd Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) Conference. Albuquerque, NM. February 23-26, 2022.
Aicha Coulibaly
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Pulliam
"Joint Teleseismic P, Regional Pn, and Local Pg Tomography of Texas, Oklahoma, and eastern New Mexico"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Claudia Dawson
Sponsor: Dr. Joe Yelderman
"Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions: Gravel Pit Lakes in the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer"
Geological Society of America. October 10-14, 2021.
Sanjukta Dhar
Sponsor: Dr. James Fulton
"Effects of Spatial Variations in Paleogeography and Paleo-depositional Settings in Nitrogen Cycling Patterns at the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Danielle Gygi
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Peppe
"Early Paleocene Plant Community and Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Nacimiento Formation from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 10-13, 2021.
Danielle Gygi
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Peppe
"Early Paleocene Plant Community and Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Nacimiento Formation from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Jasmine Kidwell
Sponsor: Dr. William Hockaday
"Molecular Analysis of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Sediments from Blackwater Locality No. 1, New Mexico"
Society for American Archaeology. Waco, TX. March 30-April 3, 2022.
Anna Lesko
Sponsor: Dr. Steve Dworkin
"Hydrologic Conditions across the K/PG Boundary, Dawson Creek Section, Big Bend National Park, Texas"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 10-13, 2021.
Anna Lesko
Sponsor: Dr. Steve Dworkin
"Contrasting Climate and Weathering Processes During Two Hyperthermal Events Preceding the K/Pg Boundary, Dawson Creek Section, Big Bend National Park, Texas"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Yohan Letourmy
Sponsor: Dr. Steven Driese
"Absence of Evidence of Climate-driven Cycles in Carboiferous Deposits of Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada: Influence of Salt Withdrawal Tectonics on Deposition and Pedogenesis"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 10-13, 2021.
Christopher Mitchell
Sponsor: Dr. Peter James
"Updated Residual Gravity Anomaly Map of Meteor Crater, AZ"
53rd Lunar Planetary Science Conference. Woodlands, TX. March 7-11, 2022.
Benjamin Sadler
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Pulliam
"Modeling Lithospheric Structure in the Permian Basin by Waveform-Matching Receiver Functions with Particle Swarm Optimization"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Joseph Thangraj
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Pulliam
"Extraction of Body Wave Arrivals using Seismic Interferometry at the San Emidio Geothermal Field: A Step Towards Real-time Convergence Assessment in Seismic Interferometry"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Nick Wagner
Sponsor: Dr. Peter James
"Quantifying Lithospheric Deflection Caused by Seasonal Mass Transport from the Polar Layered Deposits on Mars"
53rd Lunar Planetary Science Conference. Woodlands, TX. March 7-11, 2022.
Zhao Wang
Sponsor: Dr. William Hockaday
"Effects of Topographic Gradients and Plant Physiological Factors on Leaf Wax n-Alkanes in Quercus buckleyi and Juniperus ashei"
American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. December 13-17, 2021.
Nathan Wright
Sponsor: Dr. Elizabeth Petsios
"Assessing Crustacean Parasite Preservation Potential: Comparing Modern and Fossil Evidence"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 10-13, 2021.
Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Kathleen Adair
"Acute Responses in Agonsist of Urine Epidermal Growth Factor to Steady-State Moderate-Intensity and High-Intensity Internal Exercise"
American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting. Virtual. June 1-5, 2021.
Dillon Harris
Sponsor: Dr. Leslee Funderburk
"Impacts of Varying Blood Flow Restriction Cuff Size and Material on Arterial, Venous, and Calf Muscle Pump-Mediated Blood Flow"
18th Annual ISSN Conference. St. Petersburg, FL. June 10-13, 2021.
Jeffery Heileson
Sponsor: Dr. Leslee Funderburk
"Fish Oil Supplementation Combined with a Resistance Training Program Enhances Lower-Body Strength in Young Women"
18th Annual ISSN Conference. St. Petersburg, FL. June 10-13, 2021.
Ashlyne Vineyard
Sponsor: Dr. Andrew Gallucci
"Sleep Habits, Nutrition Quality, and Burnout in Division 1 College Athletes"
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Symposium. Virtual. June 1-5, 2021.
Dylan Wilburn
Sponsor: Dr. Leslee Funderburk
"Comparison of Skeletal Muscle Ultrastructural Changes Between Normal and Blood Flow Restricted Resistance Exercise: A Case Study"
18th Annual ISSN Conference. St. Petersburg, FL. June 10-13, 2021.
Andrew Bellamy
Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Stubenrauch
"Sainthood, Statues, and Sinophobia: Reckoning with the Canonization of Lord Napier in Jardine-Matheson Propaganda, 1834-1836"
North American Conference on British Studies. Atlanta, GA. November 11-14, 2021.
Heidi Campbell
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"Of Shrews, Wanton Women, and Female Philosophers: English Translations of Erasmus's Colloquies About Women"
Sixteenth Century Society & Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Heidi Campbell
Sponsor: Dr. Philip Jenkins
"Blessed Memory: The Recasting of Elizabeth I as Protestant Missionary and Saint, 1603-1645"
American Society of Church History. New Orleans, LA. January 6-9, 2022.
Katherine Goodwin
Sponsor: Dr. Beth Barr
"The Printed Pulpit: Katharina Schütz Zell"
Sixteenth Century Society & Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Benjamin Leavitt
Sponsor: Dr. Andrea Turpin
"No Educational Creeds: Southern Baptists, Americanism, and the Idea of the Christian College, 1935-1970"
Conference on Faith and History (CFH). Waco, TX. January 6-9, 2022.
Brian Sears
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Hankins
"A Tongue-Talking White Robed Army"
American Society of Church History. New Orleans, LA. January 6-9, 2022.
Kaitlyn Waynen
Sponsor: Dr. Beth Barr
"Nationalism, Providence, and Race: A Trans-Atlantic Comparison of Women's Missionary Magazines"
North American Conference on British Studies. Atlanta, GA. November 11-14, 2021.
Eric Wilson
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"Erasmus Paper Tiger Defense of Toleration"
Sixteenth Century Society & Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Information Systems
Kailey Davis
Sponsor: Dr. Marlene Neill
"An Analysis of Political Polarization in Covid-19 Facebook Posts"
AEJMC Midwinter Conference. Norman, OK. March 4-5, 2022.
Jaden Jennings
Sponsor: Dr. Marlene Neill
"Scrolling Your Way to a Warped Sense of Self: Body Image, Social Media, and College-Aged Females"
AEJMC Midwinter Conference. Norman, OK. March 4-5, 2022.
Joel Henningsen
Sponsor: Dr. Ronald Morgan
"Polynomial Approximation to the Inverse of a Matrix"
17th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods. Virtual. April 4-8, 2022.
Jorge Marchena Menendez
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Kirby
"Schwarz Methods for Serendipity Elements"
4th Annual Meeting of the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section. South Padre Island, TX. November 5-7, 2021.
Jonathan Stanfill
Sponsor: Dr. Fritz Gesztesy
"Spectral Zeta Functions for Singular Sturm-Liouville Operators and the Generalized Bessel Equation"
4th Annual Meeting of the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section. South Padre Island, TX. November 5-7, 2021.
Mechanical Engineering
Atik Amin
Sponsor: Dr. David Jack
"Analysis of Internal Raster Path of Additively Manufactured Components via Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition. Novi, MI. November 2-4, 2021.
Aigbe Awenlimobor
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"Simulation of Micro-Void Development within Large Scale Polymer Composite Deposition Beads"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition. Novi, MI. November 2-4, 2021.
Nathaniel Blackman
Sponsor: Dr. David Jack
"Toward Automated Foreign Object Detection of Carbon Fiber Laminates using Pulse Echo Ultrasound"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition. Novi, MI. November 2-4, 2021.
Jingdong Chen
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Ro
"A Conceptual Approach of Passive Human-Intention-Orientated Variable Admittance Control using Power Envelope"
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Czech Republic. September 27-October 1, 2021.
Ziwen He
Sponsor: Dr. Min Pack
"Entanglement Attenuates the Entrained Air Film Underneath Polymeric Droplets"
74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Phoenix, AZ. November 21-23, 2021.
Hannah James
Sponsor: Dr. Abhen Singh
"A Comparative Study on X-ray Computed Tomography and Flash Thermography for Non-destructive Evaluation of Oxide/Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites"
46th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2022). Daytona Beach, FL. January 23-28, 2022.
Delin Jiang
Sponsor: Dr. Stanley Ling
"Simulation and Characterization of Interfacial Wave Breakup in Airblast Atomization"
International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS). Edinburgh, Scotland. August 30-September 2, 2021.
Taofiqhasan Mahmood
Sponsor: Dr. Stanley Ling
"Aerodynamic Breakup of Submillimeter Drops in High-speed Flows"
74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Phoenix, AZ. November 21-23, 2021.
Victor Mota
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"GUI Development for Composite Laminate Property Computation using MATLAB App Designer"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition. Novi, MI. November 2-4, 2021.
Amir Nasirmanesh
Sponsor: Dr. Abhen Singh
"Effects of Midplane Carbon Nanotube Sheet Interleave on the Strength and Impact Damage Resistance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition. Novi, MI. November 2-4, 2021.
Neshat Sayah
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"Analysis of Voids Distribution and Fiber Orientation in Large Scale Polymer Composite Deposition of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition. Novi, MI. November 2-4, 2021.
Huy Tran
Sponsor: Dr. Min Pack
"Drop Oscillation Dynamics on Viscous Thin Immiscible Liquid Films: Slip to Pin Transitions"
74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Phoenix, AZ. November 21-23, 2021.
Modern Languages and Cultures
Chelsea Bryant-Hassler
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Silverstein
"The Effects of Multisensory Instruction for Students Learning to Read in Both English and Spanish"
Christian Association of World Languages (CAWL). Azusa, CA. April 7-9, 2022.
Jordan Vanderpool
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Larson
"The Pedagogical Implications of Satan's Silence in 'Exemplo XLVI' of Don Juan Manuel's Conde Lucanor"
Christian Association of World Languages (CAWL). Azusa, CA. April 7-9, 2022.
Museum Studies
Music Studies
Jinnan Liu
Sponsor: Dr. Lesley McAllister
"Czerny Etudes: A Teaching Staple in Asian Countries"
MTNA 2022 Conference. Minneapolis, MI. March 26-30, 2022.
Nikolaus Breiner
Sponsor: Dr. Thomas Ward
"Divine Anger in Aquinas' Account of Atonement"
Evangelical Philosophical Society Annual Meeting. Fort Worth, TX. November 16-18, 2021.
Robert Elisher
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Evans
"A Kierkegaardian Critique of Aristotelian Friendship"
Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Regional Meeting. Palm Beach, FL. January 27-29, 2022.
Richard Eva
Sponsor: Dr. David Corey
"Environmental Ethics in Aquinas"
Society of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Conference. South Bend, IN. October 4-6, 2021.
Richard Eva
Sponsor: Dr. David Corey
"The Moral Limits of Politicization"
APA Pacific. Vancouver, CA. April 13-16, 2022.
Brandon Johnson
Sponsor: Dr. Thomas Ward
"In Defense of So-Called 'Deity Theories': A Response to Brian Leftow"
Evangelical Philosophical Society Annual Meeting. Fort Worth, TX. November 16-18, 2021.
Dan Kemp
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Garcia
"The Experience of Holiness is Irreducibly Evaluative"
Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Regional Meeting. Palm Beach, FL. January 27-29, 2022.
Mark Kemp
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Beaty
"Thick Values, Reasons, and Agent-Centered Constraints"
Virtuous and Vicious Partiality. Newport, VA. February 18-19, 2022.
Joseph Lee
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Two Objections to a Broad Scope Theory of Intention"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
Christopher Love
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Milner
"Virtue and the Paradox of Tragedy"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
Caitlin Maples
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Buras
"The Problem of Dignity in Personhood"
Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Regional Meeting. Palm Beach, FL. January 27-29, 2022.
Austin McCoy
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Hopeful Universalism: A Response to Michael Rea"
The Christian Scholars Conference. Nashville, TN. June 9-11, 2021.
Burke Rea
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Why Omissions Need Norms: An Anscombean Approach"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
Benjamin Rusch
Sponsor: Dr. Francis Beckwith
"Education Under Liberalism and the Localist Antidote"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
Christopher Tomaszewski
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Thomistic Divine Simplicity and the Contingency of Creation"
56th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 10-15, 2022.
Christopher Tomaszewski
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"The Species of Racism: A Thomistic Analysis"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
Christopher Tomaszewski
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Parenthood and Christian Dualism"
Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Regional Meeting. Palm Beach, FL. January 27-29, 2022.
Kathryn Toms
Sponsor: Dr. Francis Beckwith
"Can We Solve the Paradox of Becoming Virtuous?"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
William Willenborg
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"A Puzzle for Mereological Universalism"
American Catholic Philosophical Association 2021: The Diakonia of Truth. St. Louis, MO. November 19-21, 2021.
William Willenborg
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Can There Be Disembodied Animals?"
Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Regional Meeting. Palm Beach, FL. January 27-29, 2022.
Bryan Caraway
Sponsor: Dr. Kenichi Hatakeyama
"Search for New Physics using Top Quark Pairs Produced in Association with a Boosted Z or Higgs Boson in Effective Field Theory"
Lake Louise Winter Institute 2022. Lake Louise, Canada. February 20-25, 2022.
Bryan Caraway
Sponsor: Dr. Kenichi Hatakeyama
"Search for New Physics using Top Quark Pairs Produced in Association with a Boosted Z or Higgs Boson in Effective Field Theory"
April APS: Quarks 2 Cosmos. New York, NY. April 9-12, 2022.
Matthew Gorban
Sponsor: Dr. Gerald Cleaver
"Quantum Vacuum Symmetry Breaking via Casimir Boundary Manipulation"
The Interstellar Research Group's 7th Interstellar Symposium. Tucson, AZ. September 24-27, 2021.
Ankush Reddy Kanuganti
Sponsor: Dr. Kenichi Hatakeyama
"Search for Production of Charginos and Neutralinos in Hadronic Final States at CMS"
Moriond/EW2022: 56th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories. La Thuile, Italy. March 12-19, 2022.
Cooper Watson
Sponsor: Dr. Gerald Cleaver
"An Invariant Characterization of the Levi-Civita Spacetimes"
April APS: Quarks 2 Cosmos. New York, NY. April 9-12, 2022.
Political Science
Gabrielle Etzel
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
"Strategic Anti-Human Trafficking: Applying Strategic Thought and Counterinsurgency Literature to US Domestic Sex Trafficking Interdiction"
IS-ISSS: International Studies Association and International Security Section of APSA Joint Conference. Bloomington, IN. November 12-14, 2021.
Gabrielle Etzel
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
"Strategic Anti-Human Trafficking: Applying Strategic Thought and Counterinsurgency Literature to US Domestic Sex Trafficking Interdiction"
ISA - International Studies Association. Atlanta, GA. October 8-9, 2021.
Hannah Norman
Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Burns
"Individual, Chosen, Private: The Supreme Court's Characterization of Religion"
Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. January 12-15, 2022.
Matthew Reising
Sponsor: Dr. Ann Ward
"Carey, Aquinas, and a Reappraisal of Natural Law and the Problem of Virtue"
Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. January 12-15, 2022.
Miriel Reneau
Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Burns
"Methodological Constraint in Statutory Interpretation: Justice Alito's Scope-of-Application Rejoinder to Scalian Textualism"
Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. January 12-15, 2022.
Isabelle Thelen
Sponsor: Dr. Benjamin Kleinerman
"Forgiveness and Free Will in the Political Thought and Political Practice of Abraham Lincoln"
2022 Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association. Bretton Woods, NH. April 28-30, 2022.
Psychology and Neuroscience
Rosemary Al-Kire
Sponsor: Dr. Wade Rowatt
"Assessing the Validity of the Christian Nationalism Scale"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Rosemary Al-Kire
Sponsor: Dr. Wade Rowatt
"Christian No More: Christian Americans Are Threatened By Their Impending Majority-Minority Status"
Association for Psychological Science. Virtual. May 26-27, 2022.
Hilary Alwood
Sponsor: Dr. Wade Rowatt
"An Examination of the Validity of the Dimensions of Grace Scale"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Elizabeth Bounds
Sponsor: Dr. Wade Rowatt
"Anchor of the Soul: Is Christian Hope a Unique Predictor of Religious Behavior and Mental Health Outcomes?"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Meilin Jia-Richards
Sponsor: Dr. Sara Dolan
"Alcohol Use Not a Predictor of Pre-Deployment Family Functioning in Male and Female Service Members"
Research Society on Alcoholism 44th Annual RSA Scientific Meeting. Virtual. June 19-23, 2021.
Jay Medenwaldt
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"Is the Enneagram Legitimate Spiritual Growth"
Evangelical Theological Society. Fort Worth, TX. November 16-18, 2021.
Jay Medenwaldt
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"Is Gratitude Toward God Distinctive?"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Mason Ming
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"Global Virtue Item Analysis: Cultural Differences in Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Hope"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Meghan Morrison
Sponsor: Dr. Stacy Ryan-Pettes
"Disseminating Evidence-Based Interventions to Probation Officers"
American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention 2021. Virtual. August 12-14, 2021.
Meghan Morrison
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"A Ranked Order Approach to the Basic Human Values"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Greg Sullens
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Memory Disruption and Alterations of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway Following Single Kainate Induced Seizure"
Society for Neuroscience 2021 (SfN). Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2021.
Greg Sullens
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Single Kainic Acid Seizure Disrupts Memory and Alters the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway"
American Epilepsy Society 2021. Chicago, IL. December 3-7, 2021.
Monica Weedman
Sponsor: Dr. Joann Tsang
"COVID- 19 Threat and White Privilege Denial"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, CA. February 16-19, 2022.
Kaley Gilley
Sponsor: Dr. Elizabeth Vichaya
"Exploring Sex Differences in Cognitive and Affective Symptoms in a Streptozotocin Model of Diabetes"
Society for Neuroscience 2021 (SfN). Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2021.
Alexis Humenik
Sponsor: Dr. Sara Dolan
"The Role of Executive Dysfunction and Substance Use in Intimate Partner Violent Offenders"
Association for Psychological Science. Virtual. May 26-27, 2021.
Ashley Nguyen
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Sanford
"Perceived benefit and burden of complying with COVID-19 recommendations: Two attitudes associated with social and systemic variables"
2021 ABCT Annual Convention. Virtual. November 18-21, 2021.
Hailey Rogers
Sponsor: Dr. Elizabeth Vichaya
"Sex Effects of Early Corticosterone Exposure on LPS Later in Life"
Society for Neuroscience 2021 (SfN). Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2021.
Alexandra Tyra
Sponsor: Dr. Annie Ginty
"Emotion Suppression and Physiological Stress Reactivity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"
American Psychosomatic Society. Long Beach, CA. March 23-26, 2022.
Paige Womble
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Analysis of Iba1 Microglia Activations in the Hippocampus of Adolescent NS-Pten Knockout Mice"
Society for Neuroscience 2021 (SfN). Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2021.
Paige Womble
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"NS-Pten Knockout Model Results in Increased Number of Iba1 Microglia in the Hippocampus of 4, 10, and 15-week-old Mice"
American Epilepsy Society 2021. Chicago, IL. December 3-7, 2021.
Katherine Blandin
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Early developmental impact of flurothyl seizures in FMR1 knockout mice"
Society for Neuroscience 2021 (SfN). Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2021.
Katherine Blandin
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Investigation of the Impact of Flurothyl Seizures in FMR1 Knockout Mice During Early Development"
American Epilepsy Society 2021. Chicago, IL. December 3-7, 2021.
David Narvaiz
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Rapamycin Corrects Stereotypic and Social Behavior Deficits in NS-Pten Knockout Mice"
Society for Neuroscience 2021 (SfN). Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2021.
David Narvaiz
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Rapamycin Improves Motor Behavior and Sociability but Impairs Memory in NS-Pten Knockout Mice"
American Epilepsy Society 2021. Chicago, IL. December 3-7, 2021.
Public Health
Meagan Melocik
Sponsor: Dr. Renee Umstattd
"Spiritual Diversity and Inclusion"
WEA International Conference on Outdoor Leadership. Black Mountain, NC. February 9-11, 2022.
Jeremiah Bailey
Sponsor: Dr. Bruce Longenecker
"Citational Scripturality in 1 and 2 Clement: A Response to Gabrielson"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Susan Benton
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Parsons
"Wives and Mothers, A Woman's Reading of Rom 12.9-21"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Susan Benton
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Parsons
"Economic Virtues in Nichomachean Ethics and the Synoptic Gospels"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies Conference. Dallas, TX. March 4-6, 2022.
Abigail Bodeau
Sponsor: Dr. James Nogalski
"Suffering and Supererogation: The Use of Torah in Nehemiah 5 and Ruth"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Eric Brewer
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Parsons
"Editorial Fatigue in Isaiah 36-39: An Additional Argument for the Priority of 2 Kings 18-20"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Allison Brown
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"Masculinity and Resistance in Sixteenth Century Political Theory"
Sixteenth Century Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Jon-Michael Carman
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Iverson
"Asleep on the Job? Mark 4:35-41 as a Case of Christological Humor"
Christian Scholars Conference. Nashville, TN. June 9-11, 2021.
Jon-Michael Carman
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Iverson
"Asleep on the Job? Mark 4:35-41 as a Case of Christological Humor"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Jeffrey Dale
Sponsor: Dr. Lidija Novakovic
"There Remains a Sabbatismos: Divine and Human Rest in Hebrews 3-4 in Light of Early Jewish Sabbath Discourse"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Tyler Fulcher
Sponsor: Dr. James Nogalski
"Psalm 137 and Its Contribution to Book V of the Psalter"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Tyler Fulcher
Sponsor: Dr. James Nogalski
"All Israel Shall Mourn: Abijah's Post-Mortem Care as a Rebuke to the Northern Kingdom"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies (SWCRS). Irving, TX. March 4-6, 2022.
Daniel Glover
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Parsons
"Patterns of Deification in the Acts of the Apostles"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Josiah Hall
Sponsor: Dr. Bruce Longenecker
"Placing Words into Jesus's Mouth: The Exegetical Methodology of Hebrews 2:10-18"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Kaz Hayashi
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"Making Uzziah Good: The Function of Remembrance of Uzziah by the Prophet Isaiah in 2 Chronicles 26:22"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Kaz Hayashi
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"The Inclusion of Ishmael and the Desert Dwellers (Gen 15 &17): A Biblical Response to Islamophobia and Racism in the 21st Century"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies (SWCRS). Irving, TX. March 4-6, 2022.
Jeffrey Hubbard
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Parsons
"Did Justin Argue with Jews? Reconsidering the Relevance of Philo"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
J. Caleb Little
Sponsor: Dr. Natalie Carnes
"Healing Waters: Gregory of Nazianzus on Baptism as Cure and Remedy"
Florovsky-Newman Week (Eighth Day Institute). Wichita, KS. May 2-5, 2021.
Erik Lundeen
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"The Role & Function of Jewish Exegesis in the 1525 Isaiah Commentary of Johannes Oecolampadius (1482-1531)"
Sixteenth Century Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Tyler Mowry
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"Data Visualization Tools in the Biblical Studies Classroom: Structured and Unstructured"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Ryan Ramsey
Sponsor: Dr. Carlos Cardoza
"The Three Waves, C. Peter Wagner, and the Malformation of Charismatic Historiography"
51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies. Costa Mesa, CA. March 24-26, 2022.
Jacob Randolph
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"'Riding with a Certain Aplomb': Chivalry and Propaganda in the Kingdom of Manster"
Sixteenth Century Society Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Husezo Rhakho
Sponsor: Dr. Doug Weaver
"I Have All These Demons, Spirits, Gods, Legends and I Do Not Know What To Do About It"
51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies. Costa Mesa, CA. March 24-26, 2022.
Andrew Ronnevik
Sponsor: Dr. Natalie Carnes
"A Crisis of Shame? Dalit Theology and Affective Economies in India"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Kevin Scott
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"The Use of Psalm 106 in the Historical Recollection of the Prayer in Nehemiah 9"
Institute for Biblical Research/Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX. November 19-23, 2021.
Joshua Smith
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"More Than Martin: Teaching the Reformation in Global Perspective"
Sixteenth Century Society Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Casey Spinks
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Martens
"Only a God Can Save Us from the Tyranny of Values"
2022 Telos-Paul Piccone Institute Conference. New York, NY. April 1-3, 2022.
Andrew Sutherland
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Harvey
"Humbly Obedient Elements: An Integrative Reading of 1 Clement 20"
Christian Scholars Conference. Nashville, TN. June 9-11, 2021.
Anna Wells
Sponsor: Dr. Carlos Cardoza
"'No one can from henceforth plead ignorance on the subject': Geneva and the Context for Calvin's Treatise on Relics"
Sixteenth Century Society Conference. San Diego, CA. October 28-31, 2021.
Social Work
Joseph Furlong
Sponsor: Dr. Gaynor Yancey
"Building Dashboards for Community Flourishing: A Guide to Using GIS and Power BI with Survey and Secondary Data"
North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW) Annual meeting. Burbank, CA. November 19-22, 2021.
Jennifer Hollenberger
Sponsor: Dr. Laine Scales
"Pregnancy Options Counseling: A Qualitative Study of Professionals"
North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW) Annual meeting. Burbank, CA. November 19-22, 2021.
Aynsley Scheffert
Sponsor: Dr. Danielle Parrish
"The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Work Student Stress"
North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW) Annual meeting. Burbank, CA. November 19-22, 2021.
Aynsley Scheffert
Sponsor: Dr. Danielle Parrish
"The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Work Student Stress"
Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Washington D.C. January 12-16, 2022.
Veronica Timbers
Sponsor: Dr. Clay Polson
"Exploring the Intersectionality of Tran-Identities and Faith"
North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW) Annual meeting. Burbank, CA. November 19-22, 2021.
Alonso Aravena Mendez
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Not Sending the Best? Subjective Socioeconomic Status in Latin America and a Challenge to Traditional Migration Narratives"
Society for the Study of Social Problems 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Virtual. August 3-7, 2021.
Alonso Aravena Mendez
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Intersections in Chilean Universities: Effects of the 2015 Education Reform on Class and Gender Equality"
2021 American Sociological Association Virtual Annual Meeting. Virtual. August 6-10, 2021.
Alonso Aravena Mendez
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Social Magnitudes of Capital and Intersectionality in Higher Education"
Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanist Sociology. Jackson, MS. November 4-6, 2021.
Jason Burtt
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Factors Associated with Vertical and Horizontal Faith Maturity at a Christian University"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 22-24, 2021.
Hannah Evans
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Race, Religion, and Belonging at a Christian University"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 22-24, 2021.
Brandon Foertsch
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Political Identity Switching and Religiosity Change Among Students at a Christian University"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 22-24, 2021.
Steven Foertsch
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Intersections in Chilean Universities" and "Migrations and Race in America"
ASA- Emancipatory Sociology. Virtual. August 6-10, 2021.
Steven Foertsch
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Indefinite Revolution, BLM, and Extreme Accountability"
Society for the Study of Social Problems 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Virtual. August 3-7, 2021.
Steven Foertsch
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"An Organizational Analysis of the Schismatic Church of Satan"
ASR- Communicating Religion's Relevance. Virtual. August 8-9, 2021.
Steven Foertsch
Sponsor: Dr. Christopher Pieper
"A Social History of Christofascism"
The Association for Humanist Sociology. Jackson, MS. November 4-6, 2021.
Steven Foertsch
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Updating Frameworks: Satanism, Religious Economies, and Game Theory"
Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX. April 20-23, 2022.
Rory Jones
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Updating Frameworks: Satanism, Religious Economies, and Game Theory"
Feeling Close to the Divine: Situating Sacred Awareness using Participant Photo Elicitation. Portland, OR. October 21-24, 2021.
Ruiqian Li
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Froese
"How Nationalist are Christian Nationalists?"
2022 Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. March 10-13, 2022.
Amanda McGowan
Sponsor: Dr. Laura Upenieks
"The COVID-19 Pandemic and Military Veteran Mental Health: Findings from Wave 6 of the Baylor Religion Survey"
Eastern Sociological Society Military Sociology Mini-Conference. Boston, MA. March 10-13, 2022.
Amanda McGowan
Sponsor: Dr. Laura Upenieks
"How Does Mastery's Affect on Health Differ by Gender during a Pandemic"
Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX. April 20-23, 2022.
Kyra Neill
Sponsor: Dr. Carson Mencken
"Criminal Identity, Social Networks, and Desistance"
Pacific Sociological Association. Sacramento, CA. April 7-10, 2022.
Michael Ryan
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Race, Religion, and Belonging at a Christian University"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. October 22-24, 2021.
Statistical Science
Theatre Arts
Abigail Dillard
Sponsor: Dr. David Jortner
"Robert Lepage's Ring Cycle; Advancing Post-Modern Influences with those from the Past"
Comparative Drama Conference. Orlando, FL. October 14-16, 2021.
Suzi Elnaggar
Sponsor: Dr. David Jortner
"Women and War: Exploring the Interpersonal Trauma of War through Euripides; The Trojan Women and Alemseged Tesafi's The Other War"
Comparative Drama Conference. Orlando, FL. October 14-16, 2021.
Suzi Elnaggar
Sponsor: Dr. David Jortner
"Dramaturging Artistic Approaches to Adaptation Through Movement"
Southeastern Theatre Conference. Memphis, TN. March 9-13, 2022.
Cassie Nordgren
Sponsor: Dr. David Jortner
"Downstage Right, Roger That! Staging with Toy Soldiers"
Southeastern Theatre Conference. Memphis, TN. March 9-13, 2022.
Lucas Skjaret
Sponsor: Dr. DeAnna Toten Beard
"Chairing: Acts of Revolution: Lessons from Making Theatre in 2020 and 2021"
Mid-America Theatre Conference. Cleveland, OH. March 3-6, 2022.