Composing Yourself: CVs and Resumes
Recommended for: Mid-career MS and PhD students pursuing careers in academia
Additional Resources: We recommend downloading the following documents appropriate to your field to go along with this workshop:
The curriculum vitae (CV) has for years been the basic "unit of currency" in academic hiring and career development. At its most fundamental, the CV establishes your credentials, qualifications and experience. But can a CV do more? How can your CV and cover letter work together? This workshop video teaches the considerations of both content and structure in CVs and cover letters that apply in different situations. Learn more about ideal content, customization, pitfalls to avoid, and tips to improve both documents. We’ve also included the documents below, CV and cover letter templates—as well as examples of real graduate student CVs and cover letters—on which you might model your own. We recommend those interested in working outside of academia contact the Baylor University Career Center for relevant resources.