Graduate School Forms
Advisor/Advisee Agreement
We require all thesis students and their advisors to read and sign an agreement about the advisor/advisee relationship, expectations, and requirements. This is not a mandated mentoring rubric, but prompts a discussion between advisors and advisees prior to thesis work. You can read the Advisee Agreement here.
Forms for Dissertation and Thesis Submission and Approval
- Please read the instructions at Dissertation and Thesis Forms.
Forms for Faculty and Staff
- Announcement of Orals - NOT to be submitted by students. Required before a student can defend their Thesis or Dissertation. It is due 10 days prior to the defense. This form must be submitted by the GPD or department administrative staff. (*Form updated 9/16/2022)
- Results of Comprehensive Exam – Completed after a student, normally a master’s level student that is not completing a Thesis, has successfully passed a comprehensive exam. This exam can be written or oral.
- Results of Preliminary Exam – All doctoral degree candidates must complete a preliminary exam before being admitted into candidacy. The results of the exam must be submitted by someone within the department.
- Admissions to Doctoral Candidacy – Submitted after the student has met the foreign language requirement (if required for program), successfully completed of the preliminary exam, completed all departmental requirements including coursework (except dissertation).
- Results of Oral Exam – Submitted after a student has defended their dissertation or thesis.
With the exception of the Announcement of Oral Exam form, which is available through Slate, these forms are available at Please note: If you are off campus, you must be on the VPN in order to access OnBase.
Other Requests and Petitions
- Add/Drop Form
- Master's On the Way Form - Filed by department for non-terminal students continuing on to complete their PhD.
- Parental Leave Accommodation - For GAs seeking time away from their assistantships after a birth or adoption.
- Short-Term Leave - For students in need of accommodation due to an injury or illness.
- Graduate Petitions can be used for the following and can be submitted by the student or someone within the department:
- Transfer Credits
- Course Substitutions
- Time-limit Extensions
- Change Catalog Term
- Results of Foreign Language Exam - For students who test out of their language requirement.
- Change of Degree Form (343.35 KB)
- Undergraduate Course Level Petitions (177.54 KB)
- For undergraduates wanting to take a graduate course.
- Policies and Appeals