2019-2020 Travel Awards
The Graduate School is proud of our students' accomplishments. Here you'll find a list of student presentations sponsored by the Graduate School.
Last Updated on September 15, 2018.
American Studies | Biology | Biomedical Studies | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Communication | Computer Science | Curriculum and Instruction | Ecological, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Educational Leadership |Educational Psychology | Electrical and Computer Engineering | English | Entrepreneurship | Environmental Science | Geosciences | HHPR | History | Information Systems | Journalism | Mathematics | Mechanical Engineering | Modern Languages & Cultures (Spanish) | Music Studies | Nursing | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science | Psychology and Neuroscience | Public Health | Religion | Social Work | Sociology | Statistical Science | Theater Arts
American Studies
Raffaele Idone
Sponsor: Dr. Mia Moody-Ramirez
"Social Media Reactions to President Donald Trump’s Handling of Hurricane Maria"
American Studies Association of Texas
Huntsville, Texas. November 8-10, 2018.
Zhongqiang Qiu
Sponsor: Dr. Myeongwoo Lee
"A Novel Mutation in NPXY Motif of β Integrin Reveals a Unique Phenotype Linked to him-4/hemicentin"
22nd International C. Elegans Conference
Los Angeles, California. June 20-24, 2019.
James Mann
Sponsor: Dr. Jason Pitts
"Toward Universal Flavivirade Surveillance"
The Military Health Services Research Symposium
Orlando, Florida. August 19 - 22, 2019.
Brittany Perrotta
Sponsor: Dr. Ryan King
"Engineered Nanoparticles Alter Insect Emergence and Result in Flux from Aquatic to Terrestrial Ecosystems"
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 3-8, 2019.
Felicia Osburn
Sponsor: Dr. Thad Scott
"What Happens when the Ocean and Toxic HABs Mix? An Experimental Assessment "
10th US Symposium on Harmful Algae
Orange Beach, Alabama. November 3-8, 2019.
Jasmine Stovall
Sponsor: Dr. Thad Scott
"Phytoplankton Assemblage, Biomass, and Nutrient Limitation Shifts in Response to Seasonal Nitrate Drawdown"
10th US Symposium on Harmful Algae
Orange Beach, Alabama. November 3-8, 2019.
Danielle Crain
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Trumble
"A Different Kind of Wax Museum: Forecasting Population Trajectories of Baleen Whales Using Reproductive Parameters from Earplugs"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain. December 9-11, 2019.
"A Different Kind of Wax Museum: Forecasting Population Trajectories of Baleen Whales using Reproductive Parameters from Earplugs"
Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting
Austin, Texas. January 3-7, 2020.
Genevieve Godfrey
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Trumble
"Fatty Acid Content of Pacific Walrus Skeletal Muscle Lipids"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain. December 8-12, 2019.
Brooke Morris
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Trumble
"Successful DNA Extraction, Bisulfite Conversion and Amplification of Baleen Whale Lamina Growth Layers in Earplugs for Use in Epigenetic Analysis"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain. December 7-12, 2019.
Victoria Neises
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Trumble
"Blubber Fatty Acid Signature Analysis of Harbor Seals in Alaska over 14 Years"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain. December 7-12, 2019.
Patrick Charapata
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Trumble
"Preliminary Results of Total Mercury Concentrations along Leopard Seal Whiskers"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain. December 6-13, 2019.
Kaitlin Murtha
Sponsor: Dr. Dwayne Simmons
"How Cellular Stress Alters the Subcellular Localization of Oncomodulin"
American Society for Cell Biology 2019
Washington, D.C. December 7-11 2019.
Aaron Kirkpatrick
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen Trumble
"Fatty Acids and Diving Development: Age Class and Sex Differences in Skeletal Muscle Fatty Acid Compositions in the Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain. December 7-12, 2019.
"Fatty Acids and Diving Development: Age Class and Sex Differences in Skeletal Muscle Fatty Acid Compositions the Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris"
Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting
Austin, Texas. January 3-7, 2020.
Yang Yang
Sponsor: Dr. Dwayne Simmons
"Oncomodulin Alters the Time Course of Transient Calcium Signaling in Cochlear Outer Hair Cells"
ARO 43rd Annual Midwinter Meeting
San Jose, California. January 25-29, 2020.
Kelsey Johnson
Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Taube
"Reversible Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Mammary Epithelial Cells is Facilitated by CTCF-mediated Chromatin Accessibility Dynamics"
Keystone Symposia on Gene Regulation
Keystone, Colorado. January 27-31, 2019.
Keighley Reisenauer
Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Taube
"Metastasis-promoting Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition Sensitizes Breast Cancer Cells to Cell Death via the Fungus-derived Sesterpenoid, Ophiobolin A"
AACR Meeting
San Diego, California. April 24-29, 2020.
Shuxuan Song
Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Taube
"MicroRNA-203 Suppress Metastatic and Stemness Characteristics in Breast Cancer Cells"
AACR Meeting
San Diego, California. April 24-29, 2020.
Biomedical Studies
Samantha Hodges
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"A Single Early-life Seizure Results in Long-term Behavioral Changes in the Adult Fmr1 Knockout Mouse"
2019 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois. October 18-25, 2019.
"Impact of Flurothyl Seizure Load Differentially Effects Neonatal Vocalization Behavior and Molecular Signaling Cascades in a Sensitive Period of Development"
2019 American Epilepsy Society Meeting
Baltimore, Maryland. December 5-10, 2019.
Benjamin Castellon
Sponsor: Dr. Cole Matson
"Nanoparticle Uptake and Elimination Kinetics in Mosquitofish, Clams and Two Snail Species in Wetland Mesocosms"
2019 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 3-8, 2019.
Carly Darden
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Lawrence
"PI3K and NFATc2 are Required for Maintenance of Beta Cell Identity and Function"
Keystone Symposia Islet Biology: From Gene to Cell to Micro-Organ
Santa Fe, New Mexico. January 27-31, 2020.
Matthew Gibb
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Sayes
"Differentiating Respirable Sensitizer and Irritants Using in Vitro Models: Analysis of Cell-Based Monolayers Versus Co-Cultures"
2019 Society of Toxicology
Anaheim, California. March 14-19, 2020.
Samantha Hodges
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
Fall 2019 Outstanding Graduate Research Award Recipient for STEM at Baylor University
National Institute of Health Curing the Epilepsies Meeting
Bethesda, Maryland. April 13-15, 2020.
Eric Carvalho da Mota
Sponsor: Dr. Peter Klein
"Cooperation in the Public and Private Interest: Assessing Endogenous Capabilities"
Strategic Management Society 2019
Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 18-22, 2019.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Graham Carlson
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Pinney
"Targeted Delivery of Potent Small-Molecule Anticancer Agents through Prodrug Strategies and Linker Constructs"
Schaap Chemistry Symposium
Holland, Michigan. July 11-12, 2019.
Noah Sims
Sponsor: Dr. John Wood
"Total Synthesis of Caesalpinnone A and Caesalpinflavan B: Evolution of a Concise Strategy"
National Organic Symposium
Bloomington, Indiana. June 23-27, 2019.
Kyle Wilhelm
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Development of Predictive Methods of Sulfur Content in Hydrous Pyrolysis Oil Products by Elemental Sulfur Analysis of Crude Oil Feedstocks"
ASMS 2019
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Amy Jackson
Sponsor: Dr. John Wood
"Total Synthesis of N-hydroxydiketopiperazine Natural Products"
National Organic Symposium
Bloomington, Indiana. June 23-27, 2019.
Amanda Pearson
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Analysis of Cell Surface N-linked Glycans via Electrospray Ionization with Tandem Mass Spectrometry"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry
Atlanta, Georgia. May 31-June 6, 2019.
Luke Richardson
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Simultaneous Extraction of Proteins, Lipids, and Metabolites for Integrated-omics Approaches for Low Tissue Sampling Volumes"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Megan Behrmann
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Trakselis
"Exploring Unwinding: Understanding the Cellular Effects of Bacterial Helicase Regulation by SEW"
Gordon Research Conference on Nucleic Acids
Newry, Maine. June 1-7 2019.
Hyunjoo Kim
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Coupled to MS/MS to Elucidate Site-Specific Labeling of Carbohydrates"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-7, 2019.
Michael Spiegel
Sponsor: Dr. Patrick Farmer
"New Insights in Crude Oil Using MS, NMR, and EPR"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Tara Liyanage
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Can Spray Solvent Conductivity Modify the Exchange Time for In-electrospray H/D Exchange of Carbohydrate-Metal Adducts?"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Amy Schnelle
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Influence of Traumatic Brain Injury on Bile Acid Profiles in Rat Brains"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Ian Anthony
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Speciation of Asphaltenes Using Mass-deficient Tagging Mass Spectrometry and Metal-reduced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Raegyn Taylor
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Chambliss
"Toxin Identification and Correlation to Biological Endpoints Using Multivariate Data Analysis: An LC-HRMS Top-down Approach to Discerning Differential Toxicological Responses"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Raul Villacob
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"Solvent Assisted Surface Probe-Nanoelectrospray: A Modular Liquid-extraction Based Tool for Combined Top-down & Bottom-up Proteomic Surface Analysis"
American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Himasha Perera
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Trakselis
"Amidst Multiple Binding Orientations on Fork DNA, Sulfolobus MCM Proceeds N-first for Unwinding"
Gordon Research Conference on Nucleic Acids
Newry, Maine. June 1-7 2019.
"Contacts and Confirmations that Regulate Hexameric Helicases at the Replication Fork"
ASBMB Experimental Biology 2020
San Diego, California. April 5-7 2020.
Kristen Bluer
Sponsor: Dr. Caleb Martin
"Investigating the Insertion Chemistry of 9-Phenyl-9-Borafluorene"
Schapp Chemistry Symposium
Holland, Michigan. July 11-12, 2019.
Matthew Brantley
Sponsor: Dr. Touradj Solouki
"‘Data Station One’: An Open Source, Modular Platform for Custom Imaging Mass Spectrometer Systems"
67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics
Atlanta, Georgia. June 2-6, 2019.
Alexis Edwards
Sponsor: Dr. Elyssia Gallagher
"Comparison of Native Mass Spectrometry in Positive and Negative-ion Mode for Proteins with Varying Isoelectric Points"
Advancing Mass Spectrometry 2019
Amherst, Massachusetts. July 20-26, 2019.
Daniel Devore
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Shuford
"Halogen Bonding in Graphitic Carbon Nitride Building Blocks"
Southwest Theoretical and Computational Conference
Norman, Oklahoma. October 25 - 27, 2019.
Olatunde Olademehin
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Shuford
"Conformational Analyses of Select Transport Prodrugs Suitable for TLR4 Inhibition using Density Functional Theory"
Southwest Theoretical and Computational Conference
Norman, Oklahoma. October 25 - 27, 2019.
Uvin De Alwis
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Shuford
"Electronic Structure Modification of Monolayer Phosphorene via Edge Passivation"
Southwest Theoretical and Computational Conference
Norman, Oklahoma. October 25-27, 2019.
Zach Winfield
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"80 Years of Chemical Exposure Profiles Reconstructed through Baleen Whale Earplugs"
World Marine Mammal Conference
Barcelona, Spain on December 5-17, 2019.
Amir Tavakoli Targhi
Sponsor: Dr. Jung Hyun Min
"Introducing Photoswitchable DNA Adduct as a System to Study Lesion Recognition by DNA Repair Protein, Rad4/XPC"
DNA Damage, Mutation and Cancer
Ventura, California. February 29- March 1, 2020.
Amar Tavakoli Targhi
Sponsor: Dr. Jung Hyun Min
"Optochemical Tool to Investigate DNA Damage Recognition During Nucleotide Excision Repair"
Texas Conference on Genome Repair 2020
San Antonio, Texas. March 8-10, 2020.
Christian Chahleine
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Romo
"Total Synthesis of Oxazolomycin B"
American Cancer Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. March 22-26, 2020.
Carolyn Robbins
Sponsor: Dr. Lacy McNamee
"Corrupt Corrections: Mass Incarceration and the Systematic Reproduction of Disadvantage among Mothers behind Bars"
Feminisms and Rhetorics
Harrisonburg, Virginia. November 13-16, 2019.
Jacob Smith
Sponsor: Dr. Scott Varda
"Solastalgic Communication: Memorializing Okjökull"
Camp Rhetoric Conference
State College, Pennsylvania. February 28-29, 2020.
Ryan McNamara
Sponsor: Dr. Maverick Moore
"“Importance of Community Involvement with Education Foundations"
Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Education; National School Foundation Association Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. March 2-4, 2020.
Greg Zoda
Sponsor: Dr. Lacy McNamee
"White Flight from Citizenship: Neoreaction and the Rhetorical Circulation of the 'Right to Exit'"
Camp Rhetoric Conference
State College, Pennsylvania. February 28-29, 2020.
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Emily Alsup
Sponsor: Dr.Jungjun Park
"Neuroimaging-Aided Identification of Neurocognitive Decline in Parkinson's Disease Patients - A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study"
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention
Orlando, Florida. November 21-23, 2019.
Eva Milam
Sponsor: Dr. Jungjun Park
"Neuroimaging-Aided Identification of Neurocognitive Decline in Parkinson's Disease Patients - A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study"
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention
Orlando, Florida. November 21-23, 2019.
Paige Thomas
Sponsor: Dr. Diane Loeb
"A Case Study of Communication Characteristics in 1p36 Deletion Syndrome"
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention
Orlando, Florida. November 21-23, 2019.
Luke Johnson
Sponsor: Dr. Diane Loeb
"Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties of Children Born Preterm"
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention
Orlando, Florida. November 21-23, 2019.
Lauren Hampel
Sponsor: Dr. Diane Loeb
"A New Intervention for Children With Language Impairment & Challenging Behaviors"
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention
Orlando, Florida. November 20-24, 2019.
Nicole Fliegelkman
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Fillmore
"Developing Electroencephalographic Neurofeedback Protocols for Treatment of Speech and Language Deficits in Aphasia"
American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention
Orlando, Florida. November 21-23, 2019.
Computer Science
Curriculum and Instruction
Jamie Wong
Sponsor: Dr. Trena Wilkerson
"Are You Seeing This? Varying Mathematics Instruction in Your Classroom"
Advancement of Mathematics Teaching
San Antonio, Texas. July 10-12, 2019.
Toby Zhu
Sponsor: Dr. Lakia Scott
"From Direct Banking Instruction to Student-led Learning: A Case Study on How Preservice Teachers Chose Technology for their Future Classroom Instruction"
AATC 2019 Conference
Birmingham, Alabama. October 3-5, 2019.
Lindsay Knofski
Sponsor: Dr. Lakia Scott
"Preparing Preservice Teachers to Become Culturally Responsive Literacy Teachers: Using CDF Freedom Schools as a Model for Teacher Education Programs"
International Literacy Association
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 10-13, 2019.
Lindsay Knofski
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Johnston
"From Policy to Practice: Tensions and Possibilities in ELA Standards"
Literacy Research Association
Tampa, Florida. December 4-7, 2019.
Cecile Carson
Sponsor: Dr. Leanna Howell
"Public Education: Insights about Engaging People to Recycle Right"
STAR Summit
San Antonio, Texas. October 8-10, 2019.
"Program Tools Showcasing Waste Management, Litter and Sustainability Efforts"
Phoenix, Arizona. October 21-25, 2019.
Melissa Eubank
Sponsor: Dr. Sandi Cooper
"Preservice Teacher Noticing in a Varied Mathematics Field Experience"
School Science and Mathematics Association
Salt Lake City, Utah. November 7-9, 2019.
Tracy Harper
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Johnston
"The Role of Choice: Reframing Teacher Professional Development to Encourage Self-Directed Learning"
International Literacy Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 9-12, 2019.
"From Policy to Practice: Tensions and Possibilities in ELA Standards"
Literacy Research Association Conference
Tampa, Florida. December 3-6, 2019.
Ryann Shelton
Sponsor: Dr. Trena Wilkerson
"How do we Design and Plan for Secondary Mathematics Methods Courses?"
School Science and Mathematics Association
Salt Lake City, Utah. November 7-9, 2019.
"Addressing Planning for Instruction and Instructional Strategies in Secondary Mathematics Methods Courses"
2020 100th Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting
Atlantic City, New Jersey. February 15-19, 2020.
Brandy Crowley
Sponsor: Dr. Sandi Cooper
"Preservice Teacher Noticing in a Varied Mathematics Field Experience"
School Science and Mathematics Association
Salt Lake City, Utah. November 7-9, 2019.
Victoria Davis
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Magill
"Action Civics and the Civic Imagination: Toward a More Transformative Civic Identity"
College and University Faculty Assembly / National Council for the Social Studies
Austin, Texas. November 20-23, 2019.
Jonathan Gay
Sponsor: Dr. Karon LeCompte
"Session #169: Immigration to the US: Mapping the Making of Our Nation"
2019 National Council for Social Studies/National Conference for Geographic Education
Austin, Texas. November 19-24, 2019.
Jonathan Gay
Sponsor: Dr. Trena Wilkerson
"Models for Teaching for Understanding: Considerations to Supporting Learning of Pk-12 students"
2020 100th Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting
Atlantic City, New Jersey. February 15-19, 2020.
Nate Scholten
Sponsor: Dr. Brooke Blevins
"Action Civics and the Civic Imagination: Toward a More Transformative Civic Identity; and Context for Material Praxis: An Examination of Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers Ideology, Engagement and Intellectual Solidarity"
College and University Faculty Assembly Annual Convention
Austin, Texas. November 20-22, 2019.
Yuyan Jiao
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Johnston
"From Policy to Practice: Tensions and Possibilities in ELA Standards"
Literacy Research Association
Tampa, Florida. December 3-6, 2019.
Yuyan Jiao
Sponsor: Dr. Trena Wilkerson
"Models for Teaching for Understanding: Considerations to Supporting Learning of Pk-12 students"
2020 100th Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting
Atlantic City, New Jersey. February 15-19, 2020.
Jess Smith
Sponsor: Dr. Mona Choucair
"Ignore the Plan: Increasing Pre-service Teacher Autonomy"
Critical Issues in Education Conference
Seattle, Washington. February 17-19, 2020.
Melissa Donham
Sponsor: Dr. Trena Wilkerson
"Models for Teaching for Understanding: Considerations to Supporting Learning of Pk-12 Students"
2020 100th Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting
Atlantic City, New Jersey. February 16-18, 2020.
Ashleigh Maldonado
Sponsor: Dr. Tony Talbert
"The Misuse of "Trigger" as a Mechanism for Censorship: A Multiple Case Study"
Conference on Academic Research in Education
Las Vegas, Nevada. February 24-25, 2020.
Amanda Gardner
Sponsor: Dr. Barbara Cassidy
"Introducing Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Using Cinematic Virtual Reality as Literature Pedagogy"
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association
Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 19-22, 2020.
Claire Williams
Sponsor: Dr. Tony Talbert
"The Power of Choice: The Necessity for the Inclusion of AAC in Self-Contained Special Education Programming"
Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada. February 24-25, 2020.
Marsha Kocurek
Sponsor: Dr. Leanne Howell
"Importance of Community Involvement with Education Foundations"
Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Education; National School Foundation Association Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. March 2-4, 2020.
Ecological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Anand Chaudhary
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Gutzwiller
"Cross-scale Interaction Effects of Climate and Deciduous-forest Patch Size on the Persistence of Forest-interior Bird Species"
American Ornithological Society Meeting
Anchorage, Alaska. June 24-28, 2019.
"Cross-scale Interaction Effects of Sub-regional Climate and Landscape-scale Exurban Cover on Declining Forest-interior Birds in the Eastern United States"
Ecological Society of America and USSEE Joint Meeting
Louisville, Kentucky. August 11-16, 2019.
Chi-yen Tseng
Sponsor: Dr. Cole Matson
Graduate Dissertation Research
TACC Institute: Machine Learning and Frontera
Austin, Texas. August 12-15, 2019.
"Assessment of the Transcriptome in Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) Nestlings from the Great Lakes Maumee River Area of Concern"
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 40th Annual Meeting
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 3-7, 2019.
William Brewer
Sponsor: Dr. Joe Yelderman
Beyond the Designated Monitoring Well: How Monitoring Water Levels In Domestic Wells and Sharing Results with Owners Improves Understanding and Encourages Cooperation
Geological Society of America
Phoenix, Arizona. September 22-25, 2019.
"Integrating Monitoring Technology and Psychology to Improve Water Management in a Groundwater Dependent Community"
National Groundwater Association: Groundwater Week
Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2-5, 2019.
Zach Moran
Sponsor: Dr. Ryan King
Habitat Use and Sampling Efficiency of Low-Frequency Electrofishing for Blue Catfish
Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society
Little Rock, Arkansas. February 19-23, 2020.
Educational Leadership
Britney Graber
Sponsor: Dr. Perry Glanzer
"How Does Christ Animate Student Affairs? Results from National Research"
Association for Christians in Student Development
Wheaton, Illinois. June 3-6, 2019.
Elijah Jeong
Sponsor: Dr. Perry Glanzer
"Can I Call This Place Home? Challenges and Opportunities to Creating Inclusive Racial Climates"
Association for Christians in Student Development
Wheaton, Illinois. June 2-5, 2019.
"Reimaging the Lives of Asian American Faculty within Religious Institutions"
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon. November 13-16, 2019.
Cara Allen
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
Environment and Affluence: How Food Insecurity Shapes Student Identity at Selective Institutions
Graduate Dissertation Research at three higher education institutions
United States. June 2019.
Environment and Affluence: How Food Insecurity Shapes Student Identity at Selective Institutions
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon. November 14-17, 2019.
Katie Robbins
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
Observation and Interview Data
Graduate Dissertation Research
Lithuania. Summer 2019.
Hannah Glisson
Sponsor: Dr. Rishi Siram
WIP - Living-Learning Programs: A Model for Student Success and Engagement
ASEE First Year Engineering Experience
State College, Pennsylvania. July 28-30, 2019.
What if Extended Orientation was Discipline-Specific?
Houston, Texas. October 20-23, 2019.
Ryan Erck
Sponsor: Dr. Terri Garrett
The Struggle for Space: How Approaching Relationships as Coalitions Can Lead to More Win-Wins
Residential College Symposium 2019
Waco, Texas. November 7-9, 2019.
Allison Combs
Sponsor: Dr. Terri Garrett
The Struggle for Space: How Approaching Relationships as Coalitions Can Lead to More Win-Wins
Residential College Symposium 2019
Waco, Texas. November 7-9, 2019.
Kayla Molnar
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
Exploring Orientation's Impact on Identity Formations
Houston, Texas. October 20-23, 2019.
Exploring Stigma Among Students with Foster Care Experiences Enrolled in Two-Year Institutions
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon. November 13-16, 2019.
Ted Cockle
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
Sources of the Doctoral Self: Toward a Reconstruction of Doctoral Students as Whole Persons
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon. November 13-16, 2019.
Jeff Strietzel
Sponsor: Dr. Rishi Sriram
How to Get Fired: A Lift-the-Flap Academic Leadership Derailment Literature Review
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon. November 12-16, 2019.
Sarah Madsen
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
Class, Capital, and Consumption: How Campus Communities Reproduce Social Inequality through Food Access
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon. November 13-17, 2019.
Zach Mills
Sponsor: Dr. Perry Glanzer
"Student Success Reconsidered: Going Beyond Retention and GPA to Congruence and Wholeness"
Dalton Institute for College Student Values
Tallahassee, Florida on January 29-31, 2020.
Zach Mills
Sponsor: Dr. Perry Glanzer
"Student Success Reconsidered: Going Beyond Retention and GPA to Congruence and Wholeness"
Dalton Institute for College Student Values
Tallahassee, Florida on January 29-31, 2020.
Maura Walsh
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"The Case of the Big XII Conference: Academic and Athletic Success throughout Football Programs"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Brandon Mendel
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"The Game Has Changed: Exploring Collaborative Brand Attacks in Sport Social Media"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Darryln McDonough
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Smaller Crowd, Extra Loud: Rightsizing NCAA Basketball Arenas"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Kathryn Gustafson
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Focus on the Family: Work-Family Conflict and Its Potential Impact on the Children of Sport Professionals"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Stacy Falconieri
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Can You Dig It? Factors that Impact Power Five Volleyball Program Success and the Good Old Days: Using Transition Theory to Better Understand Athlete Retirement from College Sports"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Jens Danielsen
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Hiring Superstars"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Arish Bheraiya
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Focus on the Family: Work-family Conflict and Its Potential Impact on the Children of Sport Professionals"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Jacob Ashkinos
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Long Drives and Wasted Time: On-Campus Golf Course Impact on NCAA Golf Rankings in the Power 5"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Amber Corcoran
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Money Can’t Buy Happiness, but Can it Buy a Winning Team?: Impact of Facility Investment on Team Success"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Caleb Clark
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"The Good Old Days: Using Transition Theory to Better Understand Athlete Retirement from College Sports"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Kyle Combs
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Smaller Crowd, Extra Loud: Rightsizing NCAA Basketball Arenas; Locker Room to Boardroom: Applying Motivational Coaching Tactics to Business Management"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Danyel Beaver
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Exploring How the WNBA Can Enhance Its Market Presence via Brand Equity"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Samuel Joswiak
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Is the Grass Always Greener? Field Surface Effects on Winning in Division III Football"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Isabelle Farmwald
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Better Stadium Better Football Program: Assessing FBS Stadium Spending and Rankings"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
William Quinn
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Playing Surfaces Impacts on NFL Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Rates"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Grant McLaughlin
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Is the Grass Always Greener? Field Surface Effects on Winning in Division III Football"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Jiayao Qi
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Entering the Fray: How Athletic Director Political Communications Can Influence Sport Consumer Attitudes and Consumption Behaviors"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Madison Cindric
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Can you Dig it? Factors that Correlate to Power Five Volleyball Programs' Success"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Ben Everett
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Five Star Wars: Do Facilities Provide a New Hope for College Basketball Recruiting?"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Blake Polley
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Playing Surface Decions"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Shannon Wright
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Assessing the Relationship of Financial and Facility Variables on Winning in Big 12 Football"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Hayden Johnson
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Who’s #1? Assessing AP Ranking Impacts on Attendance in DI Men’s Basketball"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Sarah Edmondson
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Spending and On-Field Success in Big 12 Football"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Michael Muto
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Playing Surface Impacts on NFL Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Rates"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Scott Visy
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Five-Star Wars: Do Facilities Provide a New Hope for College Basketball Recruiting?"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Austin Mease
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Who's #1? Assessing AP Ranking Impacts on Attendance in D1 Men's Basketball"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Tristan Hawkins
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Who's #1? Assessing AP Ranking Impacts on Attendance in D1 Men's Basketball"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Elodie Chapelet
Sponsor: Dr. Marshall Magnusen
"Going Global: Considerations for Enhancing the International Student-Athlete Experience"
Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA) Conference
Waco, Texas. February 27-29, 2020.
Daniel Beaver
Sponsor: Dr. Jeffrey Petersen
"Money Can't Buy Happiness, but Can It Buy a Winning Team? Facility Investment Impacts on FBS Football Success"
College Sport Research Institute
Columbia, South Carolina. April 1-3, 2020.
Katie Robbins
Sponsor: Dr. Nathan Alleman
"Language Ideologies and Institutional Policies in Post-Soviet Higher Education: A Multicase Study"
Comparative and International Education Society
Miami, Florida. March 22-26, 2020.
Educational Psychology
Crystal Collins
Sponsor: Dr. Tracey Sulak
"School Safety and Violence: A Poisson Mixture Model of Safety Plans and Violent Acts"
American Psychological Association
Chicago, Illinois. August 8-11, 2019.
Ryan Coleman
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Poverty: The School Psychologist's Role in Helping Teachers"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"Poverty: The School Psychologist's Role in Helping Teachers"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Olivia Borba
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Assisting Students with Dyslexia through Community Partnerships"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"University-Based Partnerships: Dyslexia Outreach in Communities and Schools-DOCS"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Rachel Hoarty
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Assisting Students with Dyslexia through Community Partnerships"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"University-Based Partnerships: Dyslexia Outreach in Communities and Schools-DOCS"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Caraline Vaughn
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Assisting Students with Dyslexia through Community Partnerships"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"University-Based Partnerships: Dyslexia Outreach in Communities and Schools - DOCS Model"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Brandon Parker
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Poverty: The School Psychologist's Role in Helping Teachers"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"Poverty: The School Psychologist's Role in Helping Teachers"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Felicity Frost
Sponsor: Dr. Tamara Hodges
"Promoting Post-secondary Education for At-Risk Students"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"Immune Dysregulation in Children with Autism"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Allison Yturralde
Sponsor: Dr. Tamara Hodges
"Promoting Post-secondary Education for At-Risk Students"
Texas Association of School Psychology
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"Promoting Post-Secondary Education for At-Risk Youth"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference
Baltimore, Maryland. February 12-21, 2020.
Celeste Sodergren
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"Longitudinal Analysis of Equity in Texas"
National Association for Gifted Children
Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 7-10, 2019.
Stephanie Fritz
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Poverty: The School Psychologist's Role in Helping Teachers"
Texas Association of School Psychologists
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
"Poverty: The School Psychologist's Role in Helping Teachers"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Rachel Renbarger
Sponsor: Dr. Nicholas Benson
"The Administrators’ Role in Gifted Education"
National Association of Gifted Children/Outstanding Graduate Research Award
Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 7-10, 2019.
"Sources of the Doctoral Self: Toward a Reconstruction of Doctoral Students as Whole Persons"
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Portland, Oregon on November 13-16, 2019.
Anna Payne
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"21st Century Mathematics"
National Association of Gifted Children
Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 7-10, 2019.
Yasmin Laird
Sponsor: Dr. Todd Kettler
"Developing Advanced Linguistic Talent in the Advanced Placement Classroom"
National Association of Gifted Children
Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 7-10, 2019.
Yasmin Laird
Sponsor: Dr. Trena Wilkerson
"Models for Teaching for Understanding: Considerations to Supporting Learning of Pk-12 Students"
Association of Teacher Educators
Atlantic City, New Jersey. February 16-18, 2020.
David Rehfeld
Sponsor: Dr. Tracy Sulak
"Service Delivery Effects on the Remediation of Speech Sound Disorders: A Local Randomized Clinical Trial"
Council for Exception Children
Portland, Oregon. February 5-8, 2020.
Marie Kirkpatrick
Sponsor: Dr. Tracy Sulak
"Using Behavior Skills Training to Teach Preservice Teachers: A Novel Approach"
Council for Exception Children
Portland, Oregon. February 5-9, 2020.
Dharmisha Tailor
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"What Must I Do to Go to an Alternative School"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Rebecca Tipton
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"School Psychologists as Change Agents: Application of Ecological Systems Theory"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Natasha Hunt
Sponsor: Dr. Eric Robinson
"What Must I Do to Go to an Alternative School"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Kenzie Billeitert
Sponsor: Dr. Nicholas Benson
"Evaluating the Flynn Effect in Populations with Autism"
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2020
Baltimore, Maryland. February 18-21, 2020.
Caroline Blach
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"An Examination of the Relationship Between Dating Violence, School Connectedness, and Suicide in United States Adolescents"
Southwest Educational Research Association
Arlington, Texas. February 12-14, 2020.
Shan Jiang
Sponsor: Dr. Grant Morgan
"Developing the Teachers' Addressing Students' Emotional Problems Questionnaire"
Southwest Educational Research Association
Arlington, Texas. February 12-14, 2020.
Noah Padgett
Sponsor: Dr. Grant Morgan
"Comparing Estimation Methods for ML-CFA Models with Categorical Data"
Southwest Educational Research Association
Arlington, Texas. February 12-14, 2020.
Leonora Ryland
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Ivey
"Impact of Support Groups & One-on-one Mentoring for Undergraduate with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study"
Southwest Educational Research Association
Arlington, Texas. February 12-14, 2020.
Andrea Toledo Castillo
Sponsor: Dr. Jennifer Robins
"Higher Educational Outcomes of Gifted Low-Income Students Who Attended a Summer Enrichment Program"
Southwest Educational Research Association
Arlington, Texas. February 12-14, 2020.
Laura Shero
Sponsor: Dr. Grant Morgan
"Evaluating Post Test Measures of a Training Intervention"
Southwest Educational Research Association
Arlington, Texas. February 12-14, 2020.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Soumyadeep Nag
Sponsor: Dr. Kwang Lee
"Load Frequency Control through DFIM - based Pumped Storage Hydro"
2019 PES GM
Atlanta, Georgia. August 6, 2019.
Hanh Nguyen
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Schubert
"Machine Learning in Medical Imaging"
5th Annual Loma Linda Workshop on Particle Imaging and Radiation Treatment Planning
Loma Linda, California. July 22-24, 2019.
Joshua Young
Sponsor: Dr. Johnathan Hu
"Impact of the Glass Thickness in Fluid-Filled Negative Curvature Fibers for Temperature Sensing"
Frontiers in Optics
Washington D.C. September 13-19, 2019.
Iwan Sandjaja
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Schubert
"Highlight Removal from Extremophile Images"
Mars Extant Life: What's Next?
Carlsbad, New Mexico. November 5-8, 2019.
Hannah Wells
Sponsor: Dr. Joe Fulton
""Keen Senses Do Not Make a Poet": Cather’s Respectful Rebellion Against Whitman in O Pioneers!"
17th International Willa Cather Seminar
Winchester, Virginia. June 17-21, 2019.
Sorina Higgins
Sponsor: Dr. Julia Daniel
"They Have the Cathedral in Common: T. S. Eliot and Charles Williams as Canterbury Playwrights"
T. S. Eliot Society 40th Annual Meeting
St. Louis, Missouri. September 27-29, 2019.
Sorina Higgins
Sponsor: Dr. Richard Russell
"Sister of my Soul: Coercion and Control in Occult Theatrical Networks"
Midwest Modern Language Association
Chicago, Illinois on November 14-17, 2019.
Jonathan Kanary
Sponsor: Dr. Phillip Donelly
"Psalms and Interpretation in Milton's Nativity Ode"
Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature
Irving, Texas. September 13-14, 2019.
Jonathan Kanary
Sponsor: Dr. Richard Russell
"John Mirk's Participatory Exegesis"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference
Greenville, North Carolina. November 14-16, 2019.
Ryan Sinni
Sponsor: Dr. Sebastian Langdell
"Transcending Eden: Geographies of Paradise in Dante and His Predecessors"
Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature
Irving, Texas. September 13-14, 2019.
Ben Rawlins
Sponsor: Dr. Julia Daniel
"'Egyptian Relics and Spiritual Renewal in H.D.'s 'Secret Name' and The Walls Do Not Fall'"
Modernist Studies Association Annual Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. October 17-20, 2019.
Harrison Otis
Sponsor: Dr. Katie Calloway
"The Royal Mirror: James VI and The Furies"
Performing Power in the Premodern World
Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom. November 9, 2019.
Joshua Pittman
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Johnston
"When Corpses Talk Back: Resistance to Imposed Meanings in Lawman’s Brut"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference
Greenville, North Carolina. November 14-16, 2019.
Sarah Tharp
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Johnston
"Dame Ragnelle's Authority through Dialogue"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference
Greenville, North Carolina. November 14-16, 2019.
Benjamin Thome
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Johnston
"Your Beard or Your Wife: The Giant of St. Michael's Mount's Challenge to Arthur's Authority in Malory's Morte Darthur"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference
Greenville, North Carolina. November 14-16, 2019.
Christina Lambert
Sponsor: Dr. Julia Daniel
"Queering Marriage and the Gaze: The Environmental Imagination and Jayber Crow's Strange Marriage"
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
San Diego, California. November 14- 17, 2019.
Aubrey Morris
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Johnston
"Split the Joke in 12: Experience, Authority, and Humor in The Summoner's Tale"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference
Greenville, North Carolina. November 14-16, 2019.
Reyna Johnson
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Johnston
"Teeth, Talons, and Treachery: Vulnerability and Social Transgression in Marie de France's Bisclavret and Yonec"
Southeastern Medieval Association Conference
Greenville, North Carolina. November 14-16, 2019.
Holly Spofford
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"Seeing the Missing Mundane: Discomfort, Agency, and the Ordinary in The Lifted Veil"
British Women Writers Conference
Fort Worth, Texas. March 5-7, 2020.
Anna Beaudry
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Ford
"The Last Wild Thing: Landscape as Identity in the Short Stories of Sarah Orne Jewett"
Northeast Modern Language Association
Boston, Massachusetts. March 5-8, 2020.
Caitlin Lawrence
Sponsor: Dr. Kristen Pond
"A Genre of Their Own: Fielding’s Vision to Teach Schoolgirls Critical Thinking through Moral Fairy Tales in ‘The Governess’"
British Women Writers Conference
Dallas, Texas. March 5-7, 2020.
Austin Brown
Sponsor: Dr. Matthew Wood
"A Conceptual Model of the Entrepreneur's Decision to License University Technology"
Academy of Management Annual Conference
Boston, Massachusetts. August 10-13, 2019.
Russell Browder
Sponsor: Dr. Peter Klein
"The Emergence of the Maker Movement: Implications for Entrepreneurship Research"
Academy of Management Annual Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 18-22, 2019.
"Democratization of Production: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and the Maker Movement"
Strategic Management Society
Boston, Massachusetts. August 9-13, 2019.
"Democratization of Production: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and the Maker Movement"
Graduate Dissertation Research at the Idea Foundry
Columbus, Ohio. December 2019.
Eric Carvalho da Mota
Sponsor: Dr. Peter Klein
"Cooperation in the Public and Private Interest: Assessing Endogenous Capabilities"
Strategic Management Society 2019
Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 18-22, 2019.
Environmental Science
Grace Aquino
Sponsor: Dr. Erica Bruce
"Cytotoxicity of Ultrafine Diesel Exhaust Particles in Endothelial and Microglial Monolayers and Mixed Co-culture"
Honolulu, Hawaii. July 15-19, 2019.
"Cytotoxicity of Low Concentrations of Ultrafine Diesel Exhaust Particles on Endothelial and Microglial Cell Monocultures and Mixed Co-cultures"
Society of Toxicology 2020
Anaheim, California. March 14-19, 2020.
Amjad Dabi
Sponsor: Dr. Erica Bruce
"Characterization of a Novel Oxygenating Therapeutic"
15th International Congress of Toxicology
Honolulu, Hawaii. July 15-18, 2019.
"The Relationship between Hypoxia and Diesel Exhaust Particle Toxicity and the Effect of a Novel Oxygenating Therapeutic"
Society of Toxicology 2020
Anaheim, California. March 15-19, 2020.
Rebekah Burket
Sponsor: Dr. Bryan Brooks
"Bioaccumulation Kinetics of Model Pharmaceuticals in the Freshwater Unionid Pondmussel, Ligumia Subrostrata"
Gordon Research Conference: Urbanization, Water and Food Security
Hong Kong, China. July 21-26, 2019.
"Bioaccumulation Kinetics of Model Pharmaceuticals in the Freshwater Unionid Pondmussel, Ligumia Subrostrata"
Society of Toxicology and Chemistry/Outstanding Graduate Research Award Recipient
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 2-9, 2019.
Lea Lovin
Sponsor: Dr. Bryan Brooks
"Probabilistic Aquatic Hazard Assessment of Anatoxin-a with Bioaccumulation Experiments in Ictalurus Punctatus and Danio Rerio"
Gordon Research Conference: Urbanization, Water and Food Security
Hong Kong, China. July 21-26, 2019.
"Probabilistic Aquatic Hazard Assessment of Anatoxin-a with Bioaccumulation Experiments in Ictalurus Punctatus and Danio Rerio"
Society of Toxicology and Chemistry 40th Annual Meeting
Toronto, Canada. November 2-9, 2019.
Kendall Scarlett
Sponsor: Dr. Bryan Brooks
"Global Scanning Assessment of Cylindrospermopsin in the Environment: Review and Analysis of Environmental Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Aquatic Toxicity"
Gordon Research Conference: Urbanization, Water and Food Security
Hong Kong, China. July 21-26, 2019.
"“Global Assessment of Cylindrospermopsin in the Environment: Review and Analysis of Environmental Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Aquatic Toxicity"
North America- Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Toronto, Canada. November 3-7, 2019.
"Are We Too Old for Ramen? Tackling Food Insecurity for Graduate Students"
2019 National Association of Graduate-Professional Students National Conference/Graduate Student Association
Lexington, Kentucky on November 7-10, 2019.
Jaylen Sims
Sponsor: Dr. Bryan Brooks
"Pharmaceutical Uptake Kinetics in Rainbow Trout from East Canyon Creek, an Effluent-Dominated Stream Influenced by Snowmelt in Park City, Utah, USA"
Gordon Research Conference: Urbanization, Water and Food Security
Hong Kong, China. July 21-26, 2019.
"Pharmaceutical Uptake Kinetics in Rainbow Trout from East Canyon Creek, an Effluent-Dominated Stream Influenced by Snowmelt in Park City, Utah, USA"
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 40th Annual Meeting
Toronto, Canada. November 2-8, 2019.
Raegyn Taylor
Sponsor: Dr. Bryan Brooks
"Non-targeted Analysis of HABs: Linking Chemical Changes with Differential Toxicological Response"
Gordon Research Conference: Urbanization, Water and Food Security
Hong Kong, China. July 21-26, 2019.
Thelma Ameh
Sponsor: Dr. Christie Sayes
"Evaluating the Potential of a Suite of Metal Colloids for the Treatment of Pathogenic Diseases: Case study for Citrus Greening Disease"
American Chemical Society Fall 2019 National Meeting and Exposition
San Diego, California. August 25 - 29, 2019.
Claire Moffett
Sponsor: Dr. Rebecca Sheesly
"Influences on the Composition of Biogenic Aerosol on the North Slope of Alaska"
EMSL Integration 2019 - Plants, Soil and Aerosols
Richland, Washington. October 8-10, 2019.
"Terrestrial Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition on the North Slope of Alaska"
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019
San Francisco, California. December 9-12 2019.
Sujan Shrestha
Sponsor: Dr. Rebecca Sheesly
"Detecting Biomass Burning Using Intensive Aerosol Optical Properties in El Paso, Texas - (BC)2 El Paso Field Campaign"
American Association for Aerosol Research 2019
Portland, Oregon. October 14-18, 2019.
Marco Franco
Sponsor: Dr. Ramon Lavado
"Spatiotemporal Endocrine Disruption Activity in an Effluent-impacted River Under Low Instream Flow: Integrating Field and Laboratory Assessments"
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 3-7, 2019.
"Altered Expression and Activity of Phase I Biotransformation Enzymes in Human and Fish Liver Cells by Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS)"
Society for Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting
Anaheim, California, March 15-19, 2020.
Kevin Stroski
Sponsor: Dr. Bryan Brooks
"Wastewater Sources of Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) and Pharmaceuticals in Canadian Arctic Communities "
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 40th Annual Meeting
Toronto, Canada. November 2-8, 2019.
Chad Mansfield
Sponsor: Dr. Cole Matson
"Genetic Diversity Comparison of Tree Swallow Populations in the Great Lakes Region using RNA-sequencing"
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 40th Annual Meeting
Toronto, Canada. November 4-8, 2019.
Megan Guagenti
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Utilizing Intensive Aerosol Optical Properties for the Detection of Biomass Burning in El Paso, Texas - (BC)2 El Paso Field Campaign"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Sarah VerPloeg
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Assessing Urban Atmospheric Chemistry Effects on the Environmental Fate of Current-use Pesticides in Harris County, TX"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Farzaneh Mansouri
Sponsor: Dr. Sascha Usenko
"Tracing Change in Marine Ecosystem Using Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids Archived in Baleen Whale Earplug"
American Geophysical Union Ocean Meeting 2020
San Diego, California. February 16-21, 2020.
Marina George
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Sayes
"Surface Charge Impact on Nanoparticle Biotransformation Mechanism in the Environment"
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 3-7, 2019.
Henry Lujan
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Sayes
"Linking Aluminum Nanomaterial Induced Changes in Mitochondrial Ultrastructure to Alterations of Extracellular Flux: Structure/Function Validation of Mitochondrial Dysregulation"
Society for Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting
Anaheim, California. March 15-19, 2020.
Sahar Pradhan
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Sayes
"Embryonic and Larval Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Developmental Toxicity Following Zinc Exposure"
Society for Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting
Anaheim, California. March 15-19, 2020.
Rebecca Taormina
Sponsor: Dr. Lee Nordt
"Predictive Modeling for Pre Clovis Buried Materials in Central Texas"
The International Union for Quaternary Research Congress 2019
Dublin, Ireland. July 25-August 1, 2019.
Katarena Shiner
Sponsor: Dr. Steve Dworkin
"The Change of δ13C Values in Belizean Soil and its Implications on Maya Agriculture"
The International Union for Quaternary Research Congress 2019
Dublin, Ireland. July 25-31, 2019.
Stephanie Wong
Sponsor: Dr. Joe Yelderman
"Springs under the Influence of Surface Water: Using Edna as a Tracer"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2019
Phoenix, Arizona. September 22-25, 2019.
Aly Baumgartner
Sponsor: Dr. Dan Peppe
"Paleoclimate and Paleoecological Reconstructions of the Early Miocene Hiwegi Formation, Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2019
Phoenix, Arizona. September 22-25, 2019.
Roy Bassoo
Sponsor: Dr. Kenneth Befus
"Diamonds from the Last Great Wild Place. (Guyana, South America)"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2019
Phoenix, Arizona. September 22-25, 2019.
Wynne Casteel
Sponsor: Dr. Joe Yelderman
"Using Microgravity and Passive Seismic Methods Jointly to Explore the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer"
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2019
Phoenix, Arizona. September 22-25, 2019.
"Using Microgravity and Passive Seismic Methods Jointly to Explore the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer"
National Ground Water Association Summit
Las Vegas, Nevada. December 3-5, 2019.
Alden Netto
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Pulliam
"Heat Flow in the Ocean-Continent Transition Zone of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico"
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Convention and Exhibition
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
Zequn Wu
Sponsor: Dr. Steve Forman
"Evaluating the Red River (TX-OK) Aeolian-Fluvial System Sensitivity to Late Holocene Extreme Climate Variability"
Geological Society of America 2019
Phoenix, Arizona. September 22-25, 2019.
Elisabeth Rau
Sponsor: Dr. Stacey Atchley
"Machine Learning Facies Classification as Applied to the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin"
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Convention and Exhibition
Houston, Texas. October 23-25, 2019.
Rudger Dame
Sponsor: Dr. Peter James
"Bulk Density Estimation on Venus from a Modified Nettleton Method"
Venus Exploration Analysis Group
Boulder, Colorado. November 6-8, 2019.
David Yeates
Sponsor: Dr. Stacey Atchley
"Moving Data “Rocks” Out of Hard Places: Adapting and Innovating Data Science Tools to Improve Geoscience Analytics"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Bulbul Ahmmed
Sponsor: Dr. Scott James
"Machine Learning Emulators for Reactive Mixing"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Sanjukta Dhar
Sponsor: Dr. James Fulton
"Paleoenvironmental Interpretations for the End Devonian Faunal Crises Using Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Distributions from the Western Canada Basin"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Mason Frucci
Sponsor: Dr. James Fulton
"The End Devonian Mass Extinction Across Alberta: Elemental Indicators of Widespread Marine Anoxia"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Joseph Thangraj
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Pulliam
"Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry at the San Emidio Geothermal Field, NV"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Debajeet Barman
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Pulliam
"Improved Shear Wave Velocity Model of the Southeastern United States from Ambient Noise Tomography using Cross-coherence Interferometry"
American Geophysical Union
San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
Megan Jacobs
Sponsor: Dr. Elizabeth Petisos
"A Deep Bodied Ichthyosaur (Repilia:Ichthyosauria) from the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation of Dorset, UK: Implications for Rib Cage Architecture for Ichthyosaur Paleoecology"
GSA South Central
Fort Worth, Texas. March 9-10, 2020.
Burke Leonca
Sponsor: Dr. William Hockaday
"Calorimetric Study of the Influence of Vegetation Fires on the Adsorption Characteristics of DOM"
GSA South Central
Fort Worth, Texas. March 9-10, 2020.
Cooper Malanoski
Sponsor: Dr. Elizabeth Petisos
"Habitat Affinity of Lingulid Brachiopods Throughout the Phanerozoic as a Proxy for Opportunistic Disaster Taxa Behavior"
GSA South Central
Fort Worth, Texas. March 9-10, 2020.
Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Ashlyne Vineyard
Sponsor: Dr. Andrew Gallucci
"Musculocutaneous Nerve Injury in a Collegiate Baseball Pitcher"
National Athletic Trainers Association Symposium
Las Vegas, Nevada. June 24-27, 2019.
"Prevalence and Predictors of Burnout among Athletic Training Students"
Southwest Athletic Trainers Association Annual Symposium
Arlington, Texas. July 25th-27th, 2019.
Steven Machek
Sponsor: Dr. Darryn Willoughby
"Total Creatine and Creatine-Associated Markers in Relation to Wilks Coefficient in Both Male and Female Powerlifters"
ISSN 16th Annual Conference and Expo
Las Vegas, Nevada. June 13-15, 2019.
Thomas Cardaci
Sponsor: Dr. Darryn Willoughby
"Effects of Curcumin and Piperine on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness and Perceived Exertion of a Muscle Damaging Protocol"
International Society of Sports Nutrition National Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada. June 13-15, 2019.
Paul Hwang
Sponsor: Dr. Darryn Willoughby
"Six Weeks of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Supplementation with Aerobic Training Does Not Differentially Improve Aerobic Performance Adaptations"
16th Annual ISSN Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada. June 13-15, 2019.
Kristina Amrani
Sponsor: Dr. Andrew Gallucci
"The Influence of Varsity Athletic Participation and Injury History on Depressive Symptoms among College Students"
2019 Southwest Athletic Trainer's Association Annual Meeting & Symposium
Arlington, Texas. July 25-27, 2019.
Kathleen Adair
Sponsor: Dr. Rodney Bowden
"Initiation of Exercise Improves Quality of Life, Calorie and Protein Intake in Kidney Failure Patients"
American Public Health Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 1-6, 2019.
"Are We Too Old for Ramen? Tackling Food Insecurity for Graduate Students"
National Association of Graduate Professional Students/ Graduate Student Assocation
Lexington, Kentucky. November 6-10, 2019.
Christina Bridges-Hamilton
Sponsor: Dr. Renee Umstattd-Meyer
"More than a Place to Play: Exploring Adults' Perceptions of Spillover Effects in Chicago Communities with Playstreets"
Active Living Conference
Orlando, Florida. February 2-5, 2020.
"Evaluating Youth's Perceived Physical Literacy in Chicago Communities while Attending PlayStreets"
American Academy of Health Behavior
Napa, California. March 8-11, 2020.
Tyler Prochnow
Sponsor: Dr. Renee Umstattd-Meyer
"Network Clustering Based on Team Sport Participation for Adolescents Attending Summer Care Programs"
American Academy of Health Behavior
Napa, California. March 8-11, 2020.
Samuel Kelley
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Hankins
"Historical Thinking, the Ninth Commandment, and Student Formation: Learning and Practicing Faithful Witness in the History Classroom"
Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture
Waco, Texas. October 17-19, 2019.
Benjamin Leavitt
Sponsor: Dr. Andrea Turpin
"Fighting the Academic Revolution: Institutional Religious Identity and the Liberal Arts"
History of Education Society Annual Meeting 2019
Columbus, Ohio. October 30-November 3, 2019.
Skylar Ray
Sponsor: Dr. Elesha Coffman
"Learning to be Liberated: Women and Gendered Value Transmission in Midcentury Student Movements, 1965–1970"
History of Education Society Annual Meeting 2019
Columbus, Ohio. October 31-November 2, 2019.
"Clanging Symbols: Latin American Pentecostalism and the United Methodist Church, 1960-1990"
America Society of Church History
New York, New York. January 2-6, 2020.
Regina Wenger
Sponsor: Dr. Andrea Turpin
"Training with a Purpose: Gender and Teacher Formation in Alternative Educational Spaces"
History of Education Society Annual Meeting 2019
Columbus, Ohio. October 31-November 3, 2019.
Regina Wenger
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Hankins
"A Message from ‘Your friend Ruth’: Gender and Authority in the Life and Ministry of Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus"
American Society of Church History
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Heidi Campbell
Sponsor: Dr. Andrea Turpin
"Adventist Reactions to Women's Suffrage , 1914-1922"
Adventist Society for Religious Studies
San Diego, California. November 21-25, 2019.
David Roach
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Parrish
"Perfectly Compatible with the Practice of True Religion’: Bishop John England's Defense of Southern Slavery"
American Society of Church History
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Samuel Young
Sponsor: Dr. Thomas Kidd
"Luther a Licentious Libertine, a Low Buffoon, and a Despicable Blackguard: Catholics and New York's 1817 Reformation Jubilee"
American Catholic Historical Association
New York, New York. January 2-5, 2020.
Kristina Benham
Sponsor: Dr. Thomas Kidd
"Loyalty and Liberty in the New American Israel: Political Sermons as a Study in Religious Patriotism"
American Society of Church History
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Joel Iliff
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Parrish
"‘Modern Germany Furnishes Most Instructive Lessons’: August Tholuck’s Reception in the US South"
American Society of Church History
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Information Systems
Uchenna Peters
Sponsor: Dr. Hope Koch
"Smart and Blissful? Exploring the Characteristics of Individuals that Share Fake News on Social Networking Sites"
America Conference on Information Systems
Cancun, Mexico. August 14-18, 2019.
Kyle Nash
Sponsor: Dr. Robin Wakefield
"Dare to Be Green: The Role of Environmental Passion and Green IT Identity on Green IT Practices"
America Conference on Information Systems
Cancun, Mexico. August 14-18, 2019.
Emily Guajardo
Sponsor: Dr. Mia Moody-Ramirez
"Representation of Murder and Mayhem in Immigration-themed Memes during the Trump Administration"
American Studies Association of Texas
Huntsville, Texas. November 8, 2019.
Jennifer Loe
Sponsor: Dr. Ron Morgan
"Polynomial Preconditioning for Avoiding Communication in GMRES"
Preconditioning 2019
Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 30-July 3, 2019.
Victoria Hudgins
Sponsor: Dr. Jon Harrison
"Characteristic Polynomials of q-nary Quantum Graphs"
Mathematics Colloquium at Andrews University
Berrien Springs, Michigan. November 15, 2019.
"The Characteristic Polynomial of a Quantum Binary Graph"
Joint Mathematics Meeting
Denver, Colorado. January 15-18, 2020.
Chian Yeong Chuan
Sponsor: Dr. Tao Mei
"A Characterization for l2-radial Completely Positive Multipliers on Free Groups"
Joint Mathematics Meeting
Denver, Colorado. January 15-18, 2020.
John Miller
Sponsor: Dr. Markus Hunziker
"Explicit Pieri Inclusions"
Joint Mathematics Meeting
Denver, Colorado. January 15-18, 2020.
Jonathan Stanfill
Sponsor: Dr. Fritz Gesztesy
"Determining Values of Spectral Zeta Functions for Sturm-Liouville Operators"
Joint Mathematics Meeting
Denver, Colorado. January 15-18, 2020.
Alan Mullenix
Sponsor: Dr. Jameson Graber
"Mixed Finite Element Methods for a Linearized Multilayer Shallow Water Model"
Joint Mathematics Meeting
Denver, Colorado. January 15-18, 2020.
Tavish Dunn
Sponsor: Dr. David Ryden
"Inverse Limits Involving Set-Valued Functions with an Intermediate Value Property"
54th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference
Murray, Kentucky. March 18-21, 2020.
Ian Grigsby
Sponsor: Dr. Jonathan Meddaugh
"On Various Notions of Shadowing in Noncompact Spaces"
54th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference
Murray, Kentucky. March 18-21, 2020.
Jackson Rebrovich
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Herden
"Algebra Automorphisms of the Group of Units of a Finitary Incidence Algebra"
Southern Regional Algebra Conference
Milledgeville, Georgia. March 20-22, 2020.
Mechanical Engineering
Timothy Russell
Sponsor: Dr. David Jack
"Stiffness Prediction and Validation of Large Volume 3D Printed, Short-fiber-filled Polymer Composites"
SAMPE Conference and Exhibition
Charlotte, North Carolina. May 20-23, 2019.
"Fiber Aspect Ratio Characterization and Stiffness Prediction in Large-area, Additive Manufactured, Short-Fiber Composites"
Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Dale Jiang
Sponsor: Dr. Stanley Ling
"Impact of Inlet Gas Turbulent Intensity on the Characteristics of Droplets Generated in Airblast Atomization"
Dallas, Texas. June 21, 2019.
"Numerical Investigation of Air Bubbles Formation and Internal Flows in Flow-Blurring Atomizers and its Impact on Liquid Breakup"
ASME 2019 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting
San Francisco, California. July 27-31, 2019.
Jordan Sakakeeny
Sponsor: Dr. Stanley Ling
"Simulations of Thin Film Dynamics on a Flat Plate and an Airfoil"
SAE International Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 17-21, 2019.
Tongxin Zhang
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen McClain
"Photogrammetric Frost Roughness Measurements in Cold-Soaked Conditions"
SAE International Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 17-20, 2019.
George Lee
Sponsor: Dr. Stephen McClain
"Measurement and Simulation of Various On-Body Antenna Utilizing a Modular Arm-Swinging Phantom Model for Wireless Body Area Network Applications"
Atlanta, Georgia. July 7-12, 2019.
Akash Pisharody
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Adhesive Distribution on Strength of Bonded Joints"
AB-2019 - 5th International Conference on Structural Bonding
Porto, Portugal. July 11-12, 2019.
"An Investigation on Effect of Adhesive Distribution on the Strength of Single Lap Bonded Joints"
Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Jingdong Chen
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"Melt Flow Characterization of Filaments Used in Fused Filament Fabrication Additive Manufacturing"
2019 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
Austin, Texas. August 12-14, 2019.
"Analysis of Pressure Drop of Polymeric Melt in the Nozzle of Fused Filament Fabrication Additive Manufacturing through Rheological Approach"
2019 SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 3-6, 2019.
Zhaogui Wang
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"Simulation of Mutually Dependent Polymer Flow and Fiber Filled in Polymer Composite Deposition Additive Manufacturing"
2019 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
Austin, Texas. August 12-14, 2019.
"Effects of Flow-fiber Coupling on Melt Flow Rheology in Large Area Polymer Composite Additive Manufacturing"
SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition (ACCE) 2019
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Jack Ramsey
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Smith
"Topology Optimization for Anisotropic Thermomechanical Design in Additive Manufacturing"
2019 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
Austin, Texas. August 12-14, 2019.
"Topology Optimization for Lightweighting Anisotropic Additively Manufactured Parts Under Thermomechanical Loading"
SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Jingtao Shuang
Sponsor: Dr. William Jordan
"Experiment on Mechanical Properties of Chopped Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials"
SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Daniel Pulipati
Sponsor: Dr. David Jack
"Investigation of Variations in Closed Cell Foamed Composite Structures"
SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Detroit, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Rifat Ara Nargis
Sponsor: Dr. David Jack
"Carbon Fiber Orientation Measurements for Large Volume Additive Manufactured Parts Using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy"
SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Nathaniel Blackman
Sponsor: Dr. David Jack
"Characterizing Hybrid Composites Designed to Increase Light-Weighting in Automotive Composites"
SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition
Novi, Michigan. September 4-6, 2019.
Bo Zhang
Sponsor: Dr. Stanley Ling
"Asymmetric Primary Breakup of a Round Liquid Jet with Non-zero Injection Angle"
72nd Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Seattle, Washington. November 23-26, 2019.
Modern Languages and Cultures (Spanish)
Rachel Sangster
Sponsor: Dr. Karol Hardin
"Perception and Judgment of Spoken Spanish in Hispanic Heritage Speakers and Second Language Learners"
2019 LASSO/LCHLL Conference
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. October 31-November 2nd, 2019.
Museum Studies
Madeline Walicek
Sponsor: Dr. Julie Holcomb
"“What We've Been up to Since the 75th Anniversary Meeting: Genetics-driven Change in Transaction Management in the National Museum of Natural History's Division of Mammals"
The American Society of Mammologists 99th Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C. June 28-July 2, 2019.
Michael Skarke
Sponsor: Dr. Robert Best
Apprentice Artist Position
Opera NEO
San Diego, California. July 7th-August 12th, 2019.
Finalist Audition
Chanticleer Finals
San Francisco, California. February 14-17, 2020.
Shelby Nord
Sponsor: Dr. Lesley McAllister
""Wilhelm Stenhammar’s Sensommarnätter, Op. 33: Rediscovered Swedish Character Pieces"
TMTA Convention 2019
Houston, Texas. June 20-23, 2019.
"Erland Sjunnesson's Nordic Piano Ballads for Late-Beginning and Intermediate Students: Modern Enchantment"
MTNA Collegiate Chapter Piano Pedagogy Symposium
Muncie, Indiana. January 10-11, 2020.
Emily Brooks
Sponsor: Dr. Lesley McAllister
"Syphilis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Depression, and Toxic Poisoning: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Robert Schumann's Mental Health"
Texas Music Teachers Association State Conference 2019
Houston, Texas. June 20-23, 2019.
Chad Houk
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"How Heavenly Worship is Localized in the Congregational Music of St. Andrew Orthodox Church"
Eighth International Conference on Church Music
Joensuu, Finland. June 10-16, 2019.
Benji Stegner
Sponsor: Dr. Randall Bradley
"'For He Is Our Childhood's Pattern': A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols as an Intergenerational Model"
Waco, Texas. July 18-19, 2019.
Samuel Tandei
Sponsor: Dr. Monique Ingalls
"How Shall We Sing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land?’: Congregational Singing as Identity Formation and Negotiating the Past and Present among a Chinese-Indonesian Christian Congregation in Greater Los Angeles"
World Christianity Conference
Princeton, New Jersey. March 11-14, 2020.
Thea Nguyen
Sponsor: Dr. Kristi Feutz
"Medication Adherence in the Asian Population with Cardiovascular Diseases"
National Nurse Practitioner Symposium
Keystone, Colorado. July 20-22, 2018.
Joseph Rea
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Is Faith Hope? Contemporary Philosophy of Faith and the Theological Virtues"
Symposium Thomisticum
Rome, Italy. July 4-6, 2019.
Benjamin Rusch
Sponsor: Dr. Francis Beckwith
"Political Justification, the Modern State, & MacIntyre's Conception of the Common Good"
To What End? Narrative, Institutions, and Practices
South Bend, Indiana. July 25-27, 2019.
"“Natural Law as Public Reason"
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 21-24, 2019.
Hilary Yancey
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Was Your Mother a Part of You? A Challenge for Elselijn Kingma"
SCP Eastern Division Conference
Holland, Michigan. September 12-14, 2019.
Nathan Mueller
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Beaty
"Empathy and the Recovery of Moral Knowledge"
2019 Midwest Conference of the Society of Christian Philosophers
Holland, Michigan. September 12-14, 2019.
"Empathy and the Recovery of Moral Knowledge: A Revised Prospectus"
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 21-24, 2019.
Yunus Adi Prasetya
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Scientific Representation, Metrology, and the Explanatory Gap Argument: A Response to Scheele"
Fifth Philosophy of Language and Mind Network Conference
St. Andrews, United Kingdom. August 29-31, 2019.
"Scientific Representation, Metrology, and the Explanatory Gap Argument"
IX Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy
Valencia, Spain. November 21-23, 2019.
Christopher Tomaszewski
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"Thomistic Divine Simplicity and the Contingency of Creation"
Thomas Aquinas on Creation and Nature
Rome, Italy. October 3-5, 2019.
"One Body, One Animal, One Person: One Substance to Be Them All"
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 21-24, 2019.
Niklaus Breiner
Sponsor: Dr. Alexander Pruss
"The Requirement of Divine Justice: Aquinas' Account"
St. Louis Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Religion
St. Louis, Missouri. October 25-26, 2019.
"Charles Peirce on Assertion: Assuming Liabilities as Offering Evidence"
South Western Philosophical Society Annual Meeting
Fort Worth, Texas. November 1-3, 2019.
Caroline Paddock
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Beaty
"Is Art a Virtue?"
Southwest Philosophical Society Annual Meeting
Fort Worth, Texas. November 1-3, 2019.
Sabrina Little
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Beaty
"Training the Virtues: Emotional Precursors in Moral Education"
Northern Political Science Association Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Harrison Lee
Sponsor: Dr. Alex Pruss
"Two Objections to Divine Ideas Creationism"
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 21-24, 2019.
"A Thomistic Critique of Peter Geach's Ethical Naturalism"
Virtues and The Flourishing Life
Oxford, England. January 2-5, 2020.
Derek McAllister
Sponsor: Dr. Mike Beaty
"“‘Garrigou-Lagrange’s La Nuit Réparatrice: A Darkness Beyond St. John of the Cross's Noche Oscura?’"
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 21-24, 2019.
Robert Verrill
Sponsor: Dr. Alex Pruss
"On Schneider's Critique of Aquinas' Theory of Virtual Presence"
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 21-24, 2019.
Travis Whyte
Sponsor: Dr. Walter Wilcox
"Disconnected Loop Subtraction Methods in Lattice QCD"
37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
Wuhan, China. June 16-22, 2019.
Bryan Caraway
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Dittman
"HB Phase-1 Upgrade Progression"
USCMS Annual Collaboration Meeting
Washington, D.C. June 5-8, 2019.
Chris Madrid
Sponsor: Dr. Jay Dittman
"Search for Supersymmetry at CMS in Events with Large Jet Multiplicity and Low Missing Transverse Momentum at sqrt(s)=13 TeV"
New Perspectives 2019
Batavia, Illinois. June 10-11, 2019.
"Search for Supersymmetry at CMS in Events with Large Jet Multiplicity and Low Missing Transverse Momentum at sqrt(s)=13 TeV"
2019 Meeting of the Division of Particles & Fields
Boston, Massachusetts. July 29-August 2, 2019.
Jingyi Yang
Sponsor: Dr. Howard Lee
"Excitation of Epsilon-near-zero Mode in Optical Fiber"
IEEE Photonic Conference
San Antonio, Texas. September 29th - October 3th, 2019.
"Excitation of Epsilon-near-Zero Mode in Optical Fiber Coated with Ultrathin Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Film"
2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Boston, Massachusetts. December 1- 6, 2019.
Khandaker Ashrafi
Sponsor: Dr. Lorin Matthews
Using Dust Grains to Investigate Plasma Conditions in the Sheath"
61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. October 21-25, 2019.
Khant Minn
Sponsor: Dr. Howard Lee
"Enhanced Subwavelength Coupling and Nanofocusing with Fiber-Plasmonic Hybrid Probe"
2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Boston, Massachusetts. December 1-6, 2019.
Sudip Gurung
Sponsor: Dr. Howard Lee
"Atomic Layer Engineering of Epsilon Near Zero Ultrathin Films with Controllable Zero Index Field Enhancement"
2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Boston, Massachusetts. December 1-6, 2019.
Political Science
Jacob Boros
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
"Something More Than a Democracy: Tocqueville's Understanding of U.S.-Indian Relations"
Transatlantic Studies Association
Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom. July 8-10, 2019.
Michael Gonzalez
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
"Burke, Grotius, and Suarez: Three Liberals?"
Transatlantic Studies Association
Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom. July 8-10, 2019.
Dan Keller
Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Burns
Free Society Seminar
Ivanka pri Dinaji/Banska Stiavnaca, Slovakia. June 28-July 6, 2019.
Christopher Ruiz
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
A Reevaluation of Scientific International Theories
American Political Science Association 2019
Washington D.C. August 28-September 1, 2019.
Miriel Thomas
Sponsor: Dr. David Nichols
"The Impact of Justice Alito's Catholic Faith on his Supreme Court Jurisprudence"
American Political Science Association 2019
Washington D.C. August 29-September 1, 2019.
Elizabeth Lund
Sponsor: Dr. Ann Ward
"Supposing Truth is a Woman: An Examination of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil"
Friedrich Nietzsche Society Conference
Tilburg, Netherlands. September 12-14, 2019.
Nathan Elvidge
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
"Does Aquinas Have a Consistent Justification for State Killing?"
Harvard Political Theory Graduate Conference
Cambridge, Massachusetts. October 4-5, 2019.
"Is Pride Compatible with Virtue?"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Stefan Koppert
Sponsor: Dr. Lee Ward
"The Precarious Place of Christian Rhetoric in Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Katherine Agnew
Sponsor: Dr. Dwight Allman
"Nietzsche's View of Plato and Socrates"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Matthew Reising
Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Burns
"Stitching Eudaimonia: Frankenstein and Aristotle on Solitude and the Pursuit of Happiness"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Hannah Norman
Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Burns
"“‘Necessary but also Noble’: Friendship in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-8, 2019.
Nathan Orlando
Sponsor: Dr. David Clinton
"Surpassing the Unsurpassable: Jean-Paul Sartre's Shift to Marxism"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Catherine Craig
Sponsor: Dr. Ann Ward
"Weaving the City in Plato's Statesman"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
Ben Slomski
Sponsor: Dr. David Nichols
"Social Darwinism and Public Administration"
Northeastern Political Science Association
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 7-9, 2019.
"The Constitutional Presidency and the Early Republic"
Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference
San Juan, Puerto Rico. January 9-11, 2020.
Daniel Gregoryr
Sponsor: Dr. Scott Gibson
"Preaching for Spiritual Identity Formation: Accounting for the Influence of Congregants’ Intuitive Beliefs on Self-Narration"
Annual Conference of the Evangelical Homiletics Society
Wake Forest, North Carolina. October 17-19, 2019.
Psychology and Neuroscience
Meredith Palm
Sponsor: Dr. Shawn Latendresse
"Heterogeneity in Etiological Factors for Alcohol Use Among Low-Income African American Adolescents"
Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism
Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 22-26, 2019.
Meilin Jia-Richards
Sponsor: Dr. Sara Dolan
"Problematic Drinking Enhances Probabilistic Category Learning"
Research Society on Alcoholism 42nd Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 22-26, 2019.
Alexis Humenik
Sponsor: Dr. Sara Dolan
"The Relationship between Craving and Impulsivity in Alcohol Use Disorder"
Research Society on Alcoholism 42nd Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 23-26, 2019.
"DWI Drug Court Effectiveness for Improving Mental Health"
Texas Psychological Association
San Antonio, Texas. October 31-November 2, 2019.
Lynae Roberts
Sponsor: Dr. Gary Elkins
"Sex Differences in the Effects of Perceived Stress on Sleep Quality: A Structural Equation Model Approach"
SLEEP 2019 Annual Meeting
San Antonio, Texas. June 10-12, 2019.
"Hypnosis Research Workshop: Designing Case Studies and Clinical Trials and Preparing Papers for Publication"
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Annual Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 16-20, 2019.
Chenlu Gao
Sponsor: Dr. Michael Scullin
"Classical Music During Slow Wave Sleep Facilitates Educational Learning Testing"
Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies
San Antonio, Texas. June 8-12, 2019.
"Mozart Makes Memories: Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep"
American Psychological Association Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois. August 8-11, 2019.
Katherine Magnuson
Sponsor: Dr. Stacy Ryan-Pettes
"Designing Social Media-Based Substance Use Interventions: Key Factors for Generation Z and Millennials"
American Psychological Association Annual Convention
Chicago, Illinois. August 8-11, 2019.
Alexandra Tyra
Sponsor: Dr. Annie Ginty
"Cynical Hostility and the Relationship to Physiological Habituation to Recurrent Stress"
Society for Psychophysiological Research
Washington, D.C. September 25-29, 2019.
"Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Relationship with Perceived Anxiety and Stress Prior to an Acute Psychological Stress Task"
American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting
Long Beach, California. March 11-14, 2020.
Katie Shea
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Limbers
"Metacognitive Beliefs and Emotional Eating in Adolescents"
Society of Developmental and Behavioral Psychology
Washington, D.C. September 13-16, 2019.
"Body Image Interventions for Adolescents: A Systemic Review"
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference
Dallas, Texas. March 19-21, 2020.
Joshua Rhodes
Sponsor: Dr. Gary Elkins
"Psychological Mindedness, Attitudes Toward Hypnosis, and Expectancy as Correlates of Hypnotizability"
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 2019 Annual Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 16-20, 2019.
Lauren Simicich
Sponsor: Dr. Gary Elkins
"The Mechanistic Intersection between Hypnosis and Mindfulness: A Socio-Psychological Perspective"
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 2019 Annual Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 16-20, 2019.
Donald Sullens
Sponsor: Dr. Melanie Sekeres
"Transformation of Motor Memory"
Society for Neuroscience
Chicago, Illinois. October 19-23, 2019.
Samuel Stork
Sponsor: Dr. Gary Elkins
"Images of Hypnosis"
SCEH 70th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 16-20, 2019.
Matthew Binder
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"Characterizing Ultrasonic Vocalizations in the NS-Pten Knockout Model: Implications for Autism"
Society for Neuroscience
Chicago, Illinois. October 19-23, 2019.
"Characterizing Ultrasonic Vocalizations in the NS-Pten Knockout Model: Implications for Autism and Epilepsy"
Society for Neuroscience
Waco, Texas. December 5-10, 2019.
Paige Womble
Sponsor: Dr. Joaquin Lugo
"A Vitamin D Enriched Diet Attenuates Sex-specific Behavioral Deficits in the Ns-pten Knockout Mouse"
Society for Neuroscience
Chicago, Illinois. October 19-23, 2019.
"A Vitamin-D Fortified Diet Reduces Behavioral Deficits in a Sex-specific Manner in a Mouse Model of Cortical Dysplasia"
American Epilepsy Society
Baltimore, Maryland. December 6-10, 2019.
Kayla Gilley
Sponsor: Dr. Melanie Sekeres
"Exercise Mitigates Chemotherapy-Induced Cognitive Impairment"
Society for Neuroscience
Chicago, Illinois. October 19-23, 2019.
Jay Medenwaldt
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"Purpose-Based Identity, Religiousness, Character, and Mental Health in Elite and Non-Elite Athletes"
Second Global Congress on Sport and Christianity
Grand Rapids, Michigan. October 23-27, 2019.
"Virtue and Well-Being among Religious ‘Nones’"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana. February 26-29, 2020.
Elizabeth Slonena
Sponsor: Dr. Gary Elkins
"Effects of a Brief Mindful Hypnosis Intervention on Stress Reactivity"
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 2019 Annual Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 16-20, 2019.
Nathan Wofford
Sponsor: Dr. Gary Elkins
"Images of Hypnosis"
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 2019 Annual Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 16-20, 2019.
Emma Greenwood
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Limbers
"Emotional Eating and Weight Status in Youth: A Systematic Review"
Texas Psychological Association
San Antonio, Texas. October 31- November 2, 2019.
"Body Image Interventions for Adolescents: A Systematic Review"
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference
Dallas, Texas. March 19-21, 2020.
Kiley Schneider
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Sanford
"What Motivates People to Follow Medical Treatment Plans? Autonomous Motivation and Perceived Competence Each Have Distinct Effects"
Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention
Atlanta, Georgia on November 21-24, 2019.
Brittany Sherrill
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Sanford
"For People with Medical Conditions, Interpersonal Countersupport is More Consequential than Types of Positive Interpersonal Support in Predicting Wellbeing Outcomes"
Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention
Atlanta, Georgia on November 21-24, 2019.
Alexandra Pizzuto
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Sanford
"In What Ways does Health-related Quality of Life Motivate People to Adhere to Medical Treatment Plans?"
Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention
Atlanta, Georgia on November 21-24, 2019.
Hilary Dunn
Sponsor: Dr. Wade Rowatt
"Associations Between Positive Psychological Constructs and Dispositional Grace in a College Student Sample"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana. February 27-29, 2020.
Emily Williams
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"Patience and Well-being: Life-hardships Patience and Interpersonal Patience as Safeguards Against Negative Outcomes"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana. February 26-March 1, 2020.
Juliette Ratchford
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
"The Thrifty Individual: A Latent Profile Analysis on Thrift and Associated Virtues"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana. February 27-29, 2020.
Shelby Rivers
Sponsor: Dr. Keith Sanford
"'Special Someones: Are Interactions with a Relationship Partner Associated with Unique Health Benefits?"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana. February 27-29, 2020.
Rosemary Al-Kire
Sponsor: Dr. Wade Rowatt
"Exploring the Relationship Between the Quiet Ego and the Dark Factor of Personality"
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana. February 27-29, 2020.
Adelyn Cohen
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Limbers
"The Patient-Centered Medical Home: Mental Health and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism Patient Centered Medical Home Care and Mental Healthcare Service Use Among Families of Children with Seizure Disorders"
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference
Dallas, Texas. March 19-21, 2020.
Abbigail Gutierrez
Sponsor: Dr. Christine Limbers
"The Patient-Centered Medical Home: Mental Health and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism"
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference
Dallas, Texas. March 19-21, 2020.
Page Hurley
Sponsor: Dr. Annie Ginty
"Physiological Responses to Acute Psychological Stress: The Role of Behavioral Disengagement"
American Psychosomatic Society
Long Beach, California. March 11-15, 2020.
Madeline Larson
Sponsor: Dr. Shawn Latendresse
"The Emotional Eating Scale Adapted for Children and Adolescents (EES-C): Development and Preliminary Validation of a Short-Form"
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference
Dallas, Texas. March 19-21, 2020.
Public Health
Mariela Gutierrez
Sponsor: Dr. Matt Asare
"Using Structural Equation Model to Evaluate the Effect of Patient-Provider Relationship on Health Outcomes and Quality of Care among Hispanic Patients"
American Public Health Association, 2019 Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2-6, 2019.
Mariela Gutierrez
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Ylitalo
"A Prescription for Wellness: Exercise Referrals for Patients at a Federally Qualified Health Center"
Gerontological Society of America's 71st Annual Scientific Meeting
Austin, Texas. November 13-17, 2019.
Haley Delgado
Sponsor: Dr. Renee Umstattd-Meyer
"Family-engaged Physical Activity of Mexican-heritage Children Residing along the Texas-Mexico Border: Is There a Relationship Between Family-Engaged Physical Activity and a Child’s Physical Activity Participation?"
American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Meeting
Napa Valley, California. March 8-11, 2020.
Keyanna Taylor
Sponsor: Dr. Renee Umstattd-Meyer
"The Role of Environmental Surface Materials on Contamination and Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)"
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Anaheim, California. November 13-17, 2019.
Cesia Cotache Condor
Sponsor: Dr. Emily Smith
"Distribution of Pediatric Surgical Burden and Surgical Care in Somaliland"
Global Initiative for Children's Surgery IV Conference
Johannesburg, South Africa. January 17-18, 2020.
Andie Grimm
Sponsor: Dr. Emily Smith
"Describing Anesthesia Capacity for Children in Somaliland"
2020 Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference
Houston, Texas. February 21-22, 2020.
Gabriel Garcez
Sponsor: Dr. David Copeland
"Engaging Youth from Hard Places"
31st International Conference on Outdoor Leadership
Honey Rock, Wisconsin. February 16-22, 2020.
Michelle Pennington
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Ylitalo
"Firefighters who Died by Suicide: An Epidemiologic Study of Suicide Means, Sociodemographic and Psychiatric Risk Factors, and Other Precipitating Circumstances"
American Association of Suicidology
Virtual Conference. March 22, 2020.
Cassie Millan
Sponsor: Dr. Matt Asare
"The Underrepresented Voice in the HPV Vaccination Discourse: Perspective from Ghanaian Healthcare Providers"
41st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine
San Francisco, California. April 1-4, 2020.
Christina Olson
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"The Archaeology of Iron Age Tell es-Safi: Architectural and Cultural Remains of the Lower Tell"
Professional Lecture at the Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project
Tell es-Safi, Israel. July 11-12, 2019.
"Bring Out your Bones: YHWH'S Treaty Nullification in Jeremiah 7:29-8:4"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Cody Strecker
Sponsor: Dr. Natalie Carnes
"Vertical Texts: New Sentence Acrostics in Ephrem's Madrashe"
North American Syriac Symposium
Providence, Rhode Island. June 16-19, 2019.
Caleb Little
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Harvey
"The Deceiver Deceived: The Self-Deception of the Devil in Gregory of Nyssa"
Christian Scholars Conference
Lubbock, Texas. June 4-7, 2019.
"Viewing the Triune God in Christ: John Owen's Account of the Beatific Vision in Comparison with Reformed Thomistic Accounts"
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
St. Louis, Missouri. October 17-20, 2019.
Kipp Swinney
Sponsor: Dr. Joel Burnett
"Yahweh - Wielder of Nations, Destroyer of Kingdoms"
Christian Scholars Conference
Lubbock, Texas. June 5-7, 2019.
Nicholas Krause
Sponsor: Dr. Johnathan Tran
"Conflict, Creation, and Political Community: Towards an Agonistic Theological Politics"
New Wine, New Wineskins
Notre Dame, Indiana. July 25-28, 2019.
Gregory Barnhill
Sponsor: Dr. Beverly Roberts Gaventa
"Karl Barth's Römerbrief Chapter 11"
2019 Barth Graduate Student Colloquium
Princeton, New Jersey. August 14-16, 2019.
"The Divine Voice in Paul's Greek Scriptures: The Creation of a Divine Speaker in 1 Cor. 1-4"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Alex Fogleman
Sponsor: Dr. Daniel Williams
"Tertullian as Catechist"
Oxford Patristics Conference
Oxford, United Kingdom. August 19-23, 2019.
"The Form of Desire: Augustine on the Lord's Prayer in the Traditio Orationis"
American Academy of Religion
San Diego, California. November 23-25, 2019.
Jacob Randolph
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"Kinship and Paternal Authority in Tyndale’s Obedience of a Christian"
Sixteenth Century Society Conference
St. Louis, Missouri. October 18, 2019.
"‘God Give Us Christian Homes’: Masculinity and the Creation of the Baptist Hymnal, 1991"
American Society of Church History Annual Meeting
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Erik Lundeen
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"Behold, the Virgin (?) Will Conceive: Christian Exegetes, Jewish Interlocutors, and the Shifting Literal Sense of Isaiah 7’"
Sixteenth Century Society Conference
St. Louis, Missouri. October 17-20, 2019.
"John Foxe & the Jews: Marrying Anti-Catholicism to Rhetorical Philo-semitism"
American Society of Church History Annual Meeting
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Kevin Scott
Sponsor: Dr. James Nogalski
"Multiply Yourselves like the Locust!’: The Multi-Faceted Use of Locust Imagery in Nahum 3:15-17’"
North Carolina Religious Studies Association
Chapel Hill, North Carolina. October 5, 2019.
Kevin Scott
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"Whatever Happened to ‘Those Whom David Hates’? The Removal of the Blind and the Lame from 1 Chronicles 11:1-9"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 22-26, 2019.
Allison Brown
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"'O Miserable England:’ Christopher Goodman's Call for Repentance and Resistance"
Sixteenth Century Conference
St. Louis, Missouri. October 17-20, 2019.
Chwi Kim
Sponsor: Dr. James Nogalski
Politics of Allegory in the Yehud Community
Doctoral Dissertation Research
San Diego, California. November 24-27, 2019.
Chwi Kim
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"Nehemiah’s Prayer for Remembrance and Torah-Piety: The Theological Framework of the Book of Nehemiah"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Thomas Breedlove
Sponsor: Dr. Natalie Carnes
The Grace of Becoming Creature: The Thorny Flesh of Gregory of Nyssa
American Academy of Religion
San Diego, California. November 23-25, 2019.
Laura Lysen
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Martens
""To Starve or to Devour? A Theological Reckoning with Contemporary Food Labor"
American Academy of Religion
San Diego, California. November 22-24, 2019.
Tyler Davis
Sponsor: Dr. Johnathan Tran
"Imagining Freedom in the Space Between: On the Decolonial Poetics of Terrance Hayes"
American Academy of Religion
San Diego, California. November 22-26, 2019.
"Death, Disaster, and the Politics of Divine Liberation"
Death: A Graduate Student Conference
Providence, Rhode Island. March 6-7, 2020.
Jon-Michael Carman
Sponsor: Dr. Kelly Iverson
"Scaling Gaius and Diotrephes: Socio-economic Stratification in 1 and 3 John"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Jeremiah Bailey
Sponsor: Dr. Bruce Longenecker
"Typological Intersections and Divine Utterance: Divine Prosopopoeia in Luke's Transfiguration"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 22-26, 2019.
Clay Smith
Sponsor: Dr. James Nogalski
"A Reassessment of Deuteronomy's Herem Texts"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Kazuyuki Hayashi
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"The Living Temple: Reimagining the Solomonic Temple in Ezekiel's Heavenly Visions (Ezekiel 1; 10)"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
"The Birth of the Pleasant Gods: A Structural Analysis of Lines 49b-67a of KTU/CAT 1.23 (UT 52)"
American Schools of Oriental Research
San Diego, California. November 20-23, 2019.
"The Iconographical Background of Bull Slaying in the Hebrew Bible"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
Irving, Texas. February 28-March 1, 2020.
Daniel Glover
Sponsor: Dr. Lidija Novakovic
"Birth as Death, Birth as Life: The Contours of a Sexual Metaphor in James 1:12–18"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
"Is Josephus Among the Qumranites? Unraveling a Textual Conundrum in 1 Sam 10:27b"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
Irving, Texas. February 28-March 1, 2020.
Daniel Glover
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"Priests Getting Paid: The Rhetoric of Money and Authority in Leviticus 6-7 and the Marseille Tariff"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Lacy Crocker
Sponsor: Dr. Joel Burnett
"Windows without Women: Men at the Window in the Hebrew Bible"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 22-26, 2019.
Tyler Mowry
Sponsor: Dr. Deirdre Fulton
"A Literary-Critical Investigation of Deuteronomy 31"
Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, California. November 23-26, 2019.
Malcolm Foley
Sponsor: Dr. Douglas Weaver
"New Data and New Perspectives on Mob Violence"
Social Sciences History Conference
Chicago, Illinois. November 21-24, 2019.
"Francis Grimke and America's Negative Exceptionalism"
American Society of Church History Annual Meeting
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Joshua Smith
Sponsor: Dr. David Whitford
"Their Wimples Flying - Women in Accounts of The Kingdom of Münster"
American Society for Church History
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Anna Wells
Sponsor: Dr. Carlos Cardoza-Orlandi
"Through the Words of a Woman: The Role of Women in Conversion Narratives in The Book of the Saints of the Ethiopian Church"
American Society for Church History
New York, New York. January 3-6, 2020.
Lucinda Yang
Sponsor: Dr. Doug Weaver
"Generational Changes in Single Pentecostal Missionary Women"
American Society for Church History
New York, New York. January 3-5, 2020.
"Pentecostal Female Missionaries of the Middle East in the 20th Century"
Society for Penecostal Studies
Costa Mesa, California. March 19-21, 2020.
Andrew Sutherland
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Harvey
"Capitalism's Christology Crisis: Must We Mean What We Say About Redemption?"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
Dallas, Texas. February 28-March 1, 2020.
"Christianity and Capitalism after the Postliberals: Ecclesiological Lessons from Kathryn Tanner "
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
Knoxville, Tennessee. March 20-21, 2020.
Susan Benton
Sponsor: Dr. Lidija Novakovic
"Sharing with the Poor and Haplotes in Shepherd of Hermas"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
Dallas, Texas. February 28–March 1, 2020.
David Basher
Sponsor: Dr. Joel Burnett
"A Breath of Fresh Air: The Demilitarization of Ruach in the Persian Period"
Society of Pentecostal Studies
Costa Mesa, California. March 19-21, 2020.
Andrew Ronnevik
Sponsor: Dr. Barry Harvey
"Christ as Drum, Christ as Preached: Intersections of Dalit Theology and Homiletical Theology"
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
Dallas, Texas. February 28-March 1, 2020.
Social Work
Leandro Galaz
Sponsor: Dr. Gaynor Yancey
"Using Student Perception Data to Elevate Student Voice, Inform Professional Development for Teachers, and Guide Interventions for Students in High School in Order to Increase Equity and Access"
Diversity Challenge: Race, Culture, & WHMP: Survival, Resistance, and Healing in the Current Social Climate
Boston, Massachusetts. October 25-26, 2019.
Amanda Harper
Sponsor: Dr. Gaynor Yancey
"Assessing Congregant Attitudes About Addressing Controversial Issues in Church"
Society of Scientific Study of Religion
St. Louis, Missouri. October 25-26, 2019.
Brianna Garrison
Sponsor: Dr. Jim Ellor
"Keeping Faith Alive: Advancing the Next Generation of Religious and Spirituality Inquiry in Gerontology"
Gerontological Society of America
Austin, Texas. November 13-17, 2019.
Bree Alexander
Sponsor: Dr. Jim Ellor
"Public School Trauma in the Aftermath of School Shootings"
Doctoral Dissertation Research at Columbine Memorial
Columbine, Colorado. October 24-27, 2019.
Angela Dennison
Sponsor: Dr. Jim Ellor
"Theater As Narrative Therapy: Painful Stories Can Bring Healing and Hope"
North American Association of Christians in Social Work-Annual Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana. November 7-10, 2019.
Renae Wilkinson
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Doughtery
"Early Parental Death and Inequality Across the Transition to Adulthood: Risks, Resources, and Resilience"
Graduate Dissertation Research through Causal Mediation Analysis Statistical Workshop
Boston, Massachusetts. June 14-15, 2019.
James Davidson
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"The R-Word: How Discrimination is Linked to Poorer Health Outcomes, and Whether Religion can Mitigate its Effects"
Association for the Sociology of Religion
New York City, New York. August 10-12, 2019.
Amanda Hernandez
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Feminism and Hostile Sexism among the Religiously Affiliated"
American Sociological Association
New York City, New York. August 10-13, 2019.
Bethany Smith
Sponsor: Dr. Charles Tolbert
"Homeownership, Educational Aspirations and Community Belonging: Transitions during the Great Recession"
Society for the Study of Social Problems
New York City, New York. August 9-11, 2019.
Daniel Allen
Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Dougherty
"Technology Use by Religious Tradition: Social Media, Text Messaging, and Perceived Relational Closeness"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 11-13, 2019.
"Denominational Identity and Sports Success at Christian Colleges"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
St. Louis, Missouri. October 25-27, 2019.
Tim Lauve-Moon
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Racism in the Hands of an Angry God: How Maintaining Judgmental Views of God May Activate or Resist Colorblind Racism Frames Regarding Police Treatment of African Americans"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 9-13, 2019.
"Racism in the Hands of an Angry God: How Image of God Can Activate Colorblind Racism Narrative Frames Regarding Police Treatment of African Americans"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
St. Louis, Missouri. October 25-27, 2019.
Richie Li
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Islamophobic America: Why Americans are Anti-Muslims"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 10-13, 2019.
"Islamophobic America: Why Americans are Anti-Muslims"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 2019 Annual Conference
St. Louis, Missouri. Oct 25-27, 2019.
Renae Wilkinson
Sponsor: Dr. Lindsay Wilkinson
"Early Parental Loss and Health Behavior Trajectories across the Transition to Adulthood"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 10-13, 2019.
Yingling Liu
Sponsor: Dr. Kevn Dougherty
"God vs. Self: Who is in Control? Divine Control, Mastery, and the Socially Marginalized"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 11-13, 2019.
Hannah Evans
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Who Shares Your Pew: Complex Religion and Social Capital"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 10-13, 2019.
Hannah Evans
Sponsor: Dr. Jeremy Uecker
"Hostile Sexism in the Streets and in the Sheets: Perceptions of Donald Trump's Sexism Among White Christian Voters
Sociologists for Women in Society
San Diego, California. January 30-February 2, 2020.
Jason Burtt
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Careers in Social and Religious Work: Regional and Racial/Ethnic Variation"
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 11-14, 2019.
"Religiosity Reconsidered: Improving Measurements of Belief, Behavior, and Belonging"
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
St. Louis, Missouri. October 25-27, 2019.
Jesse DeDeyne
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Religion as a Determinant of Subjective Social Status "
Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference
New York City, New York. August 10-13, 2019.
"Person Centered Religion's Effects on Voting and Political Choice"
Society of the Scientific Study of Religion
St. Louis, Missouri. October 25-27, 2019.
Kim Trevino
Sponsor: Dr. Carson Mencken
"Occupational Gender Segregation and Underemployment Vulnerability during the Automation Economic Revolution: Wage Inequality"
Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting
Portland, Oregon. October 17-19, 2019.
"Occupational Gender Segregation and Underemployment Vulnerability during the Automation Economic Revolution"
Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting
San Diego, California. October 31-November 2, 2019.
Michael Lotspeich II
Sponsor: Dr. Charles Tolbert
"Nonmetropolitan 'Vetrepreneurs': A Demographic Profile of Veterans Owning Businesses in Rural America"
2019 Annual Meeting - Southern Demographic Association
New Orleans, Louisiana. October 23-25, 2019.
Alonso Aravena Mendez
Sponsor: Dr. Jerry Park
"Effects of the 2015 Chilean Education Law on Social Inequalities and Gender Gaps among Incoming University Students"
Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting 2019
San Diego, California. October 31 - November 2, 2019.
"Migrations and Culture in the Americas: Interaction of Race and Ethnicity in a Regional Comparison of Attitudes Towards Immigrants in the United States and Determinants for South-North Migration across Latin American Countries"
National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies National Conference
Dallas, Texas. February 17-22, 2020.
Rebecca Bonhag
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Froese
"Gender Role Attitudes and Demographic Correlates of Perceived Dignity and Sense of Control among Men and Women"
Sociologists for Women in Society
San Diego, California. January 30-February 2, 2020.
Amanda Hernandez
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Froese
"Two Peas in a Pod: Christian Dating Books, Red Pill Ideology, and the Perpetuation of Rape Culture"
Sociologists for Women in Society
San Diego, California. January 30-February 2, 2020.
Statistical Science
Angel Lu
Sponsor: Dr. James Stamey
"Bayesian Estimation on a Two-level Model consisting Dose-response and Survival Model Linked by Antibody with Heterologous Prime-boost Ebola Vaccine Application"
Non-clinical Biostatistics
New Brunswick, New Jersey. June 17-18, 2019.
Andrew Lawler
Sponsor: Dr. Jack Tubbs
"Bayesian Methods in Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting of Galaxies"
American Astronomical Society Summer Meeting 2019
St. Louis, Missouri. June 9-13, 2019.
Andrew Lawler
Sponsor: Dr. Jack Tubbs
Graduate Research on Astrostatistics
6th Cosmostatistics Initiative
Chamonix, France. August 2019.
Purvi Prajapati
Sponsor: Dr. James Stamey
Comparison of Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis Models for Survival Data
Joint Statistical Meetings
Denver, Colorado. July 27-August 1, 2019.
Molly Klanderman
Sponsor: Dr. Mandy Hering
Fault Attribution in a Complex, Nonstationary, and Temporally Dependent Wastewater Treatment System
Joint Statistical Meetings
Denver, Colorado. July 27-August 1, 2019.
Jinjie Chen
Sponsor: Dr. James Stamey
A Flexible Model for Correcting Under-reported Count Data in Spatially Dependent Areas
Joint Statistical Meetings
Denver, Colorado. July 27-August 1, 2019.
Qida Ma
Sponsor: Dr. David Kahle
Parameterizing Varieties with Deep Learning
Society of industrial and Applied Mathematics
Dallas, Texas. November 1-3, 2019.
Valerie Williams
Sponsor: Dr. David Jortner
Study of Yerma by Federico Garza Lorca
Graduate MFA Research on Lorca's Life
Spain. Summer 2019.