PhD Program Requirements
Admission Requirements
Students applying to the MSE program must have an exceptional academic record, a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or Master of Science (M.S.) from an engineering or science degree program, and evidence of research experience. It is not necessary that students with the B.S. degree obtain an M.S. degree before pursuing the doctorate. Tuition waivers and stipends will be available on a competitive basis. Student applications will be reviewed by the graduate program committee for Materials Science and Engineering program.
Program Requirements
The program requirements include a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours of approved course work and research hours. As the Materials Science and Engineering program is inherently cross-disciplinary, there is considerable latitude given to the student, their academic advisor, and their dissertation committee in selecting a course of study combining both coursework and research hours. However, all courses must be approved by the student’s dissertation committee. The semester hours for the Ph.D. must meet the following criteria: six (6) hours of core competency courses selected from one of two tracks, a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of electives selected from the MSE elective listing beyond the six hours of core competency courses, a minimum of twelve (12) hours of MSE doctoral research MSE 6V99, and a minimum of four (4) hours of MSE 5101 (colloquium) two of which must be taken during the student’s first year at Baylor.
Materials Science and Engineering PhD
Program Timeline
Year 1: Balance of coursework and research and establish dissertation committee
Year 2: Preliminary exam and finishing up coursework
Year 3-5: Research, annual reviews, dissertation writing, and dissertation presentation