Recruitment & Admissions
Other Resources
Recruiting Funds
The Graduate School has limited recruiting funds to assist you with GRE searches, brochures or posters, and applicants' travel for campus visits.
CGS Resolution
A resolution by the Council of Graduate Schools which stipulates that "an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made."
How Undergraduate Academic Advisors Can Contribute to Students' Success
A how-to guide for advising and directing undergraduates that are interested in or show a potential for graduate research degree programs.
Slate Links
Links for logging into and utilizing Slate, the Baylor Graduate School's admissions platform.
Graduate Enrollment Management Network
We hold lunch and learns once a semester, covering topics like student health insurance subsidies and Slate training updates.