Mentoring in Social Sciences
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in the social sciences and related disciplines.
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in the social sciences and related disciplines.
Thriving Mentorship Program - University of Colorado-Denver
Resources for Current Graduate Students - Yale University
Mentorship Guidelines - UC Berkeley
Graduate Student Mentorship Policy - University of Maryland
Graduate Mentoring Initiative - UC Davis
Copeland, T. J., & François Dengah, H. J. (2016). “Involve me and I learn”: Teaching and applying anthropology. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 40(2), 120–133.
Ocobock, C., Niclou, A., Loewen, T., Arslanian, K., Gibson, R., & Valeggia, C. (2022). Demystifying mentorship: Tips for successfully navigating the mentor–mentee journey. American Journal of Human Biology, 34(S1), e23690.
Turner, T. R., Bernstein, R. M., Taylor, A. B., Asangba, A., Bekelman, T., Cramer, J. D., Elton, S., Harvati, K., Williams-Hatala, E. M., Kauffman, L., Middleton, E., Richtsmeier, J., Szathmáry, E., Torres-Rouff, C., Thayer, Z., Villaseñor, A., & Vogel, E. (2018). Participation, representation, and shared experiences of women scholars in biological anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165 Suppl 65, 126–157.
Mentoring Graduate Students - Ohio State University
Mentorship - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Women in Political Science - University of Kentucky
Political Science Graduate Student Association - University of Illinois
Becker, M., & Zvobgo, K. (2020). Smoothing the Pipeline: A Strategy to Match Graduate Training With the Professional Demands of Professorship. Journal of Political Science Education, 16(3), 357–368.
Berdahl, L., Malloy, J., & Young, L. (2022). Doctoral Mentorship Practices in Canadian Political Science. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 55(3), 709–720.
Majic, S., & Strolovitch, D. Z. (2020). Editors’ Introduction: Mentoring and Marginalization. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(4), 763–769.
Schwartz-Shea, P. (2020). Mentoring: The Consequences of Formalization in the Age of Corporatization. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(4), 775–779.
Thomas, L. (2020). A Black Feminist Autoethnographic Reflection on Mentoring in the Discipline of Political Science. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(4), 788–792.
Graduate Mentoring - University of Massachusetts Amherst
Graduate Student Mentoring Policy - University of Maryland
Mentoring Statement - Duke University
Almond, L., Parson, L., & Resor, J. (2021). Lessons From the Field: Graduate Student–Faculty Mentoring in Family Science. Family Relations, 70(5), 1600–1611.
Brunsma, D. L., Embrick, D. G., & Shin, J. H. (2017). Graduate Students of Color: Race, Racism, and Mentoring in the White Waters of Academia. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 3(1), 1–13.
Finch, J. K., & Fernández, C. (2014). Mentoring Graduate Students in Teaching: The FCCIC Model. Teaching Sociology, 42(1), 69–75.
Innocente, N., & Baker, J. (2018). The Sociology Teaching Fellowship: A Mentorship Model for Graduate Student Teacher Training. Teaching Sociology, 46(4), 335–345.
Kleinman, S. (2020). The Gift of a Vocation: Learning, Writing, and Teaching Sociology. Qualitative Sociology Review, 16(2), Article 2.
Phillips, L. L., & Deleon, R. L. (2022). Living Testimonios: How Latinx Graduate Students Persist and Enact Social Justice Within Higher Education. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 65(1), 197–212.
Baylor Graduate School
Morrison Hall, Suite 200
One Bear Place #97264
Waco, TX 76798-7264