Mentoring in the Sciences
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in science disciplines.
The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM- Podcasts
The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM - Consensus Study Report
Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century - Consensus Study Report
Mentoring Resources for Scientists - Nature
Mentoring Resources for Early-Career Scientists - Cell Mentor
Other Resources
Hernandez, P. R., Patterson, M. S., Nyanamba, J. M., Adams, A. S., Barnes, R. T., Bloodhart, B., Burt, M., Clinton, S. M., Pollack, I. B., & Fischer, E. V. (2023). Webs of science: Mentor networks influence women’s integration into STEM fields. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21(9), 404–410.
Kornei, K. (2023, November 15). Academia’s Hidden Price Tag. Eos.
Clynes, M., Corbett, A., & Overbaugh, J. (2019). Why we need good mentoring. Nature Reviews. Cancer, 19(9), 489–493.
Feldon, D. F., Maher, M. A., Hurst, M., & Timmerman, B. (2015). Faculty Mentors’, Graduate Students’, and Performance-Based Assessments of Students’ Research Skill Development. American Educational Research Journal, 52(2), 334–370.
Marshall, A. G., Vue, Z., Palavicino-Maggio, C. B., Neikirk, K., Beasley, H. K., Garza-Lopez, E., Murray, S. A., Martinez, D., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Campbell, S., Brady, L. J., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., … Hinton, A. (2022). The role of mentoring in promoting diversity equity and inclusion in STEM Education and Research. Pathogens and Disease, 80(1).
Nair, N., & Good, D. C. (2021). Microaggressions and Coping with Linkages for Mentoring. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5676-.
Pfund, C., Byars-Winston, A., Branchaw, J., Hurtado, S., & Eagan, K. (2016). Defining attributes and metrics of effective research mentoring relationships. AIDS and Behavior, 20(Suppl 2), 238–248.
Posselt, J. (2018). Normalizing Struggle: Dimensions of Faculty Support for Doctoral Students and Implications for Persistence and Well-Being. The Journal of Higher Education (Columbus), 89(6), 988–1013.
Scaffidi, A. K., & Berman, J. E. (2011). A positive postdoctoral experience is related to quality supervision and career mentoring, collaborations, networking and a nurturing research environment. Higher Education, 62(6), 685–699.
Mentorship Expectations - Duke University
Mentoring Corner - University of North Carolina
Other Sources
Janes, K. A. (2021). Ten simple rules for being a faculty advocate of first-year graduate students. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(9), e1009379–e1009379.
Lewis, V., Martina, C. A., McDermott, M. P., Chaudron, L., Trief, P. M., LaGuardia, J. G., Sharp, D., Goodman, S. R., Morse, G. D., & Ryan, R. M. (2017). Mentoring Interventions for Underrepresented Scholars in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences: Effects on Quality of Mentoring Interactions and Discussions. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16(3), ar44-.
Liu, C., Wang, L., Qi, R., Wang, W., Jia, S., Shang, D., Shao, Y., Yu, M., Zhu, X., Yan, S., Chang, Q., & Zhao, Y. (2019). Prevalence and associated factors of depression and anxiety among doctoral students: The mediating effect of mentoring relationships on the association between research self-efficacy and depression/anxiety. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12, 195–208., L. P., Liénard, J. F., & David, S. V. (2022). Impact of gender on the formation and outcome of formal mentoring relationships in the life sciences. PLoS Biology, 20(9), e3001771–e3001771.
Smith, M. F. (2016). TRIENNIAL REPRODUCTION SYMPOSIUM: American Society of Animal Science L. E. Casida Award for Excellence in Graduate Education: Thoughts on mentoring graduate students in reproductive biology. Journal of Animal Science, 94(7), 2716–2721.
Wettemann, R. P. (2021). Triennial reproduction symposium: L. E. Casida Award for Excellence in Graduate Education: mentoring graduate students in animal science. Journal of Animal Science, 99(5).
Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars - ACS
Mentoring Guides - Women in Supramolecular Chemistry
Mentorship - University of Chicago
Other Sources
Broyer, R. M., & Parr, J. (2019). AcademiNext: Mentoring the Next Generation of Chemistry Faculty. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(11), 2403–2409.
Gaule, P., & Piacentini, M. (2018). An advisor like me? Advisor gender and post-graduate careers in science. Research Policy, 47(4), 805–813.
Hardy, T. M., Hansen, M. J., Bahamonde, R. E., & Kimble-Hill, A. C. (2022). Insights Gained into the Use of Individual Development Plans as a Framework for Mentoring NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Trainees. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(1), 417–427.
Lewis, V., Martina, C. A., McDermott, M. P., Chaudron, L., Trief, P. M., LaGuardia, J. G., Sharp, D., Goodman, S. R., Morse, G. D., & Ryan, R. M. (2017). Mentoring Interventions for Underrepresented Scholars in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences: Effects on Quality of Mentoring Interactions and Discussions. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16(3), ar44-.
Nolan, S. A., Buckner, J. P., Marzabadi, C. H., & Kuck, V. J. (2008). Training and Mentoring of Chemists: A Study of Gender Disparity. Sex Roles, 58(3–4), 235–250.
EnvironMentors - Global Council for Science and the Environment
Earth & Environmental Sciences Mentoring Program - EESA
Agee, E., & Li, Y. (2018). Fighting the Leaky Pipeline: Developing Peer Support for Women in the Earth and Environmental Sciences. Michigan Journal of Sustainability, 6(1).
Drossman, H., Benedict, J., McGrath-Spangler, E., Van Roekel, L., & Wells, K. (2011). Assessment of a Constructivist-Motivated Mentoring Program to Enhance the Teaching Skills of Atmospheric Science Graduate Students. Journal of College Science Teaching, 41(2), 72–81.
Klein, D. R. (2019). The making of an ecologist: My career in Alaska wildlife management and conservation. University of Alaska Press.
Geosciences Education & Mentorship Support - GEMS
Other Sources
Fisher, K. Q., Kaufman, E., Calagna, O., Myles, L., Brinkworth, C., Simmons, D. R., & Dixon, P. G. (2019). Developing scientists as champions of diversity to transform the geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education, 67(4), 459–471.
Heise, E. A., Cheng, C.-L., Gonzalez, J. L., Kang, J., Cintra-Buenrostro, C., Benavides, J., Hinthorne, J., Dirrigl, F., & Anonymous. (2016). Stimulating Hispanic Participation in the Geosciences (SHIP-GEO) at Rio Grande Valley in south Texas. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 48(7).
Mora, C. I. & Anonymous. (2017). The career wisdom of JWV; be innovative, be careful, be productive, be happy. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 49(6).
Russo-Nixon, K., Knight, A., Thiry, H., Charlevoix, D., & Anonymous. (2022). Supporting the whole student with multi-level mentoring in summer internship programs. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 54(5).
Compact Between Biomedical Graduate Students and Their Research Advisors - AAMC
Advising and Mentoring Resources - Brown University
Research Mentoring to Advance Inclusivity in STEM - Colorado State University
Faculty/Student Mentoring Resources - Texas Tech
Beyond the Beakers - Baylor College of Medicine
Mentorship in Graduate School - Tufts University
Faculty Guide for Mentoring a Student with a Mental Health Issue - University of North Carolina
Cultural Awareness and Mentoring Resources - UTSA
Other Sources
Rose, G. L., Rukstalis, M. R., & Schuckit, M. A. (2005). Informal Mentoring Between Faculty and Medical Students: Academic Medicine, 80(4), 344–348.
Samari, G., Bryant, M., & Grilo, S. (2022). An Anti-Racism Public Health Graduate Program: Mentoring of Students and Igniting Community. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 8(4), 261–270.
Scaffidi, A. K., & Berman, J. E. (2011). A positive postdoctoral experience is related to quality supervision and career mentoring, collaborations, networking and a nurturing research environment. Higher Education, 62(6), 685–699.
Thiry, H., Laursen, S.L., Loshbaugh, H.G. (2015). “How do I get from here to there?” An examination of Ph.D. science students’ career preparation and decision making. International Journal of Doctoral Studies (
Mentoring Program Materials and Resources - Penn State University
Faculty Mentoring Resources - Appalachian State University
Other Sources
Knudson, D., Liu, T., Schmidt, D., & Mullem, H. (2019). Mentoring tenure-track faculty in Kinesiology. 8, 312–317.
Lund, J. L., Napper-Owen, G., & Boyce, B. A. (2019). Recommendations for Thematic Issue on Kinesiology Doctoral Students’ Perspectives. Quest (National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education), 71(3), 342–346.
Waldron, J. J. (2021). Institutional Strategies to Enhance Graduate Student Success Through Mentoring. Kinesiology Review (Champaign, Ill.), 10(4), 410–415.
Mentorship Programs for Students in Mathematics - California State University
Other Source
Kurepa, A. (2019). The Design and Implementation of a Mathematics Learning Community. International Journal of Higher Education, 8(3), 77-.
Physics Research Mentor Resources - APS
Mentoring Resources - Brown University
Mentoring Resources for Students and Faculty - Georgia Tech
Resources for Underrepresented Minority Students & Mentors - Washington University in St. Louis
Other Sources
Ecklund, E. H., Lincoln, A. E., & Tansey, C. (2012). GENDER SEGREGATION IN ELITE ACADEMIC SCIENCE. Gender & Society, 26(5), 693–717.
Nash, C. (2022). Self-Direction in Physics Graduate Education: Insights for STEM from David J. Rowe’s Career-Long Methods. Challenges (Basel), 13(2), 45-.
Sachmpazidi, D., & Henderson, C. (2021). Departmental support structures for physics graduate students: Development and psychometric evaluation of a self-report instrument. Physical Review. Physics Education Research, 17(1), 010123-.
Woolston, C. (2019). JUST A MINUTE ... PHD STUDENTS VOICE CONCERNS ON MENTORING. Nature (London), 575(7783), 551–552.
APA Guidelines on Equitable and Respectful Treatment of Students in Graduate Psychology Programs
Introduction to Mentoring - APA
Mentoring Resources - Texas A&M University
Mentoring Aspiring Graduate students and Building an Inclusive Community (MAGIC) - University of Connecticut
Mentoring Toolkit - Dartmouth University
Mentoring Programs for Graduate Students - Psych Grad Corner
Other Sources
Carter, L. A. (2014). Self-care for clinicians in training: A guide to psychological wellness for graduate students in psychology. Oxford University Press.
Lewis, V., Martina, C. A., McDermott, M. P., Chaudron, L., Trief, P. M., LaGuardia, J. G., Sharp, D., Goodman, S. R., Morse, G. D., & Ryan, R. M. (2017). Mentoring Interventions for Underrepresented Scholars in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences: Effects on Quality of Mentoring Interactions and Discussions. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16(3), ar44-.
Mangione, L., Borden, K. A., Nadkarni, L., Evarts, K., & Hyde, K. (2018). Mentoring in Clinical Psychology Programs: Broadening and Deepening. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(1), 4–13.
Marie Taylor, J., & Neimeyer, G. J. (2009). Graduate school mentoring in clinical, counselling, and experimental academic training programs: An exploratory study. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 22(2), 257–266.
Pargament, K. I. (2022). The privilege of teaching: Some lessons learned from over 40 years mentoring graduate students in the clinical psychology of religion and spirituality. Spirituality in Clinical Practice (Washington, D.C.), 9(1), 55–59.
Williams-Nickelson, C. (2009). Mentoring Women Graduate Students: A Model for Professional Psychology. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, 40(3), 284–291.