Mentoring in the Humanities
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in disciplines in the humanities.
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in disciplines in the humanities.
Mentoring: The Humanities PhD Project - University of Michigan
For Graduate Student Mentees - University of North Carolina
The Professor/Grad Relationship - Grad Resources
Humanities Graduate Mentoring Program - Syracuse University
Curtin, N., Malley, J., & Stewart, A. (2016). Mentoring the Next Generation of Faculty: Supporting Academic Career Aspirations Among Doctoral Students. Research in Higher Education, 57(6), 714–738.
Mentoring - Penn State University
Costello, L. A. (2015). Standing up and standing together: Feminist teaching and collaborative mentoring. Feminist Teacher, 26(1), 1–29.
Guise, M. (2013). Forming University and Teacher Partnerships in an Effort to Reframe and Rethink Mentoring Programs. The English Journal, 102(3), 65–70.
Smith, E. R., Basmadjian, K. G., Kirell, L., & Koziol, S. M. (2003). On Learning to Teach English Teachers: A Textured Portrait of Mentoring. English Education, 36(1), 6–34.
Spangler, S. (2013). With a Little Help from Their Friends: Making the Transition from Student to Teacher. The English Journal, 102(3), 87–92.
Mentoring & Advising - Duke University
Mentoring - Wake Forest University
Kendall, D. L., & Campanario, S. C. (2016). Honoring God through scientific research: Navigating the ethics of publishing with our students. International Journal of Christianity & Education, 20(2), 133–148.
Maloney, M. (2009). Engaging the Institution: Mentoring Future Faculty, Big Questions of Vocation, and the Reality of Assessment. Religion & Education, 36(2), 5–12.
Pargament, K. I. (2022). The privilege of teaching: Some lessons learned from over 40 years mentoring graduate students in the clinical psychology of religion and spirituality. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 9(1), 55–59.
Stortz, M. E. (2009). The Stakes Involved in ‘Going Spiritual’: Mentoring Future Faculty toward Meaning and Value. Religion & Education, 36(2), 23–29.
Baylor Graduate School
Morrison Hall, Suite 200
One Bear Place #97264
Waco, TX 76798-7264