Mentoring in Business
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in business and related disciplines.
The below resources are geared towards faculty and students in business and related disciplines.
Why You Need a Professional Mentor, and How to Find One -
Graduate Mentoring Program - University of Central Florida
Lechuga, V. M. (2011). Faculty-graduate student mentoring relationships: Mentors’ perceived roles and responsibilities. Higher Education, 62(6), 757–772.
Neumark, D., & Gardecki, R. (1998). Women Helping Women? Role Model and Mentoring Effects on Female Ph.D. Students in Economics. Journal of Human Resources, 33(1), 221–246.
Women in IT Mentoring Program - University of Nebraska Omaha
Ugrin, J. C., Odom, M. D., & Pearson, J. M. (2008). Exploring the importance of mentoring for new scholars: A social exchange perspective. Journal of Information Systems Education, 19(3), 343–351.
Baylor Graduate School
Morrison Hall, Suite 200
One Bear Place #97264
Waco, TX 76798-7264